• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. V

    Who is this person, and why do they not know what a gish is?

    Who is this person and why does he not know what a gish is? Hasn't the term been around for a long time, at least several years? Maybe even back into 2e? It strikes me as if a someone working for a car magazine doesn't know about the trend of using light, fast, Japanese cars instead of...
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    There's a lot of feats. How to get more of them to see play?

    Well? There's lots of feats available. What is a balanced way to get more of them into play? I'm thinking of an increased number of feats awarded, say every even level you don't get a feat now, you get a feat (levels 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18). And restricting these to non-Core feats. But I'm...
  3. V

    Divination/Contact Other Plane: Exactly what *does* a God know?

    The spell descriptions are not much help. Phrasing, consequences, what can be asked, yes. What is a reasonable limit on what a deity knows for the purposes of these spells?
  4. V

    Dealing With a Large Party of 7 PCs

    And to think, a few weeks ago, I was worrying about having only 2 players. Now I have 7 (Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Wizard, Druid, Ranger, Monk). Plus one "bobbing" (out of the picture for now, he may or may not come back to my game). And one who may pop up when she can make to a session (Her...
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    Beyond Rope Trick: Camp Security Spells?

    In the PHB we have Rope Trick, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Leomund's Secure Shelter, and Mordy's Faithful Watchdog. But Rope Trick can't take extradimensional spaces. Leomund's spells aren't very focused on stealth. And Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound isn't basically a better Alarm spell. Does anyone...
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    Opinions on Mongoose Encyclopedia Arcane Star Magic & Constructs?

    The Quintessential series didn't impress me much, but there are good reviews of "Constructs" and "Star Magic" on Enworld's review section. Does anyone have firsthand experience with these products? Constructs is a toolkit for making constructs, but I would like a balanced toolkit, with...
  7. V

    Any Official Comments on Feats Awarded Vs. Feats Available?

    I could swear that somewhere, someone from WotC had said that the rate of feats given out in the PHB was commensurate to the amount available in the PHB. Thus, if you add a lot of feats to your game, you should increase the amount of feats given out. [Edit: Not by that much--IIRC the ratio was...
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    Would Gestalt DMG NPC class PCs be balanced?

    I had a thought the other day, (it may be more like remembering something I had almost forgotten...) when I was thinking about how to power up a flavored adept for possible PC use, that using the Gestalt rules with the DMG NPC classes might result in a balanced PC class. Well, would it?
  9. V

    Flavoring the Non-Witch Adept

    I'd like to add some flavor to the Adept class, to explain their combination of arcane and divine spells. The enightened philosopher. The "force-user"--manipulates a universal divine power source.
  10. V

    How do you map your homebrew?

    I'm facing the idea of mapping my homebrew world am pretty daunted by it. I'm certainly not going to map every city but coming up with a whole subcontinent of maps, names for cities, city and town clusters. I've got name generators, and geographic data for the number of cities and such, but it...
  11. V

    Spells Converted from Netheril: Empire of Magic (Check my Balance)

    These are a few nifty spells I gleaned from the 2e product Netheril: Empire of Magic and found so nifty I had to convert them. Here are my attempts, I'd like suggestions on balance, since apparently clerics were just as powerful then as they are now. ________________________ Precipitation...
  12. V

    So, how do you do the Scry-Buff-Teleport thing again?

    I mean really. I've read the scrying rules and the teleport rules, and the key here is information. If you want to kill a predictable person, like the high priest of a good temple or a noble, yeah, okay. You can easily know where they are and get the plans or whatnot. How the PCs will get to a...
  13. V

    Evaluate my House Rules--Now with Law/Chaos Removal Juicy Goodness!

    Here's what I'd like to use in my first real continuing campaign: -[Edit: Never mind.] -I run 3.0, so Haste grants an extra move-action. Whee, abusing Flaming Sphere! -Sean K. Reynold's Poison rules: Continuing Poison Damage...
  14. V

    Episode One: Going through the planet core would screw the core up, right?

    My brother and I were talking about the flaws of the new SW movies last night when it occurred to us that going through the core of Naboo might have upset it a tiny, wee bit. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
  15. V

    WotC's Classic Downloads--Are these modules any good?

    WotC has several (serious) modules avoilable in their Classic Downloads section. They are: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess L1 Secret of Bone Hill I11 Needle Feast of Goblyns (Grand Conjunction #1) Ship of Horror (Grand Conjunction #2) Touch of Death (Grand Conjunction #3) Night of the...
  16. V

    What made Al-Qadim special?

    I don't know a whole lot about Al-Qadim, but I like what I see in the 3e conversions and in the Corsairs of the Great Sea boxed set and the Caravans boxed set from the WotC website. But what made it different from other campaign settings, crunch- and flavor-wise?
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    Deanimator --Fun Lovecraft Themed Zombie Killing Game

  18. V

    How do YOU rate on the Force-o-meter?

    http://www.channel4.com/film/chatvotewin/microsites/F/forceometer/ I got Mace Windu.
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    So, what makes 1e adventures so great?

    On the Disliking 1e thread, the adventures were named as a good point. So, why were they so great?
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    IG & OOG: How do you deal with no-show players?

    Since I seem to be cursed with this problem, how do you deal with characters that don't show up? I've got two possibilities: 1. Have the character fall ill suddenly, able to keep up but not act. 2. Have the character suddenly warp to the Ethereal Plane, with the same result [lower level...