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  1. Campbell

    Girl By Moonlight Crowd Funding Campaign available on BackerKit

    Evil Hat just started the crowd funding campaign for Girl By Moonlight, a Forged in the Dark game about magical girls (and with one playset mecha pilots) facing overwhelming darkness, forging their own identities and facing their own personal darkness...
  2. Campbell

    The Historical Importance of Ron Edwards' Sorcerer [+]

    What this thread is about? Discussing the impact that Sorcerer has had on our hobby by helping to popularize things like scene framing, playing to the characters' dramatic needs and emotional safety techniques in roleplaying games. What this thread is not about? Discussing the validity of the...
  3. Campbell

    Legend of the Five Rings Fifth Edition Actual Play [Shadow of the Bayushi]

    We just finished a 4-month run of Legend of the Five Rings Fifth Edition. It was a profoundly fun experience. Our game specifically leaned very heavily into clan politics, interclan marriages and the relationship between the Great Clans and the Minor Clans. We played fairly fast loose with the...
  4. Campbell

    Indie Games Are Not More Focused. They Are Differently Focused.

    In a number of conversations on these boards the idea that indie games are these narrow curated experiences and more mainstream games are somehow more flexible keeps coming up again and again. There's usually no real justification for this. I like a lot of mainstream games. I am player in D&D...
  5. Campbell

    [Actual Play] Role Playing Without Formal Systems

    Last week I was in a bit of a quandary as a GM. We had been playing Lancer for five sessions and really like the characters and setting, but were not crazy about the rules. I already talked to the other players and got the go ahead to transition are game over to Beam Saber. Unfortunately there...
  6. Campbell

    D&D General Compelling and Differentiated Gameplay For Spellcasters and Martial Classes

    In this initial post I am going to try to stay away from targeted criticism of specific versions of Dungeons and Dragons. Instead I will lay out a problem I see across most versions of the game so we can discuss it and possible solutions. Much has been made about balance between spell casters...
  7. Campbell

    Pathfinder 2E Embracing An Old School Aesthetic

    Before I get into this I am going to give some personal background. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons with a story focused Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition game back in 1997 when I was 13. Then went on to run and play a lot of Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage. I come back into...
  8. Campbell

    Pathfinder 2E Embedding Level Into The Narrative

    One of the things that really differentiates Pathfinder is the way it directly embeds level directly into the narrative of the game. One of the design goals for the game is to tell Pathfinder stories as well as the game possibly can. One of the core things that makes a Pathfinder story a...
  9. Campbell

    Pathfinder 2E The Golarion Role Playing Game

    Reading through the Core Rulebook and Bestiary one thing that really struck me is that Pathfinder 2 is intimately tied to Golarion in a way that the first edition was not. These are not just Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, Goblins and Gnomes. They are the Pathfinder versions of them which in this...
  10. Campbell

    Legend of the 5 Rings [FFG]

    Anyone else have it? I am still working my way through my copy. Really like most of what I am seeing so far. More thoughts to follow.
  11. Campbell

    [Actual Play] The Sun Will Rise

    Had the first real session of an online Exalted 3e game set in the 100 Kingdoms which I am running in a Shonen Burning Wheel fashion with a heavy emphasis on challenging intimacies and limit. The initial scenario surrounds the assassination of a beloved prince of a broken nation during a meeting...
  12. Campbell

    Blades in the Dark

    Product information... View for more details
  13. Campbell

    What Value Does The Game Bring?

    Here's my question: Why do you play roleplaying games over simply roleplaying? How does the game bring unique value that you cannot get from simply roleplaying with your group?
  14. Campbell

    Tell Me About Your GM Experiences With Stars Without Number

    Anyone see this in play at the table? I'm looking to pitch a new game fairly shortly and would like to know about people's experiences from a GM's perspective. I have played in a short online game of Stars, so I have seen things from the other side and enjoyed it. I have run a short game of...
  15. Campbell

    Blades in the Dark Actual Play

    I got the chance to play in an online game of Blades in the Dark last Saturday and had an amazing time! We used Discord for voice comms, and Roll20 to track stuff. I was joining a game already in progress, so I am still finding my footing, but did not really miss a beat. My first post will lay...
  16. Campbell

    Gaming and Identity Politics

    In this thread I had an immediate and visceral reaction when another poster conflated the games I like most - stuff like Apocalypse World, Burning Wheel, and Don't Rest Your Head with the play style of Vampire - The Masquerade. I had an almost violent need to say "We're not them and they are not...
  17. Campbell

    Masks - A Cool New Game About Playing Young Superheroes

    Anyone else checked this out? If you back the project you get access to the beta version of the playbooks and basic moves. It's a Powered By The Apocalypse game that models the experiences of young superhero teams finding out what kind of heroes the want to be. It's mostly focused on the...
  18. Campbell

    Let's Talk About Metagaming!

    Traditionally I've seen it argued that players should only concern themselves with the perspective of their particular characters. I disagree. We are playing games with multiple people who all seek different experiences, and I believe that we should be considerate of what they are trying to...
  19. Campbell

    The New World of Darkness Gets A 2nd Edition

    It's now official. The (New) World of Darkness is receiving a 2nd edition. Idigram Chronicle and the Fallen World Chronicle are now Werewolf - The Forsaken 2e and Mage - The Awakening 2e. We're also getting a new standalone Mortals book. In a really classy move anyone who purchased The God...
  20. Campbell

    The Last Pilgrimmage

    This is Lucann, steward of the Old Accords. He's an elf with hard eyes, wild hair, tanned skin, and a lithe body. Lucann, Neutral Elf Fighter Strength 9(+0) Dexterity 18(+3) Constitution 12(+0) Intelligence 8(-1) Wisdom 18(+3) Charisma 13(+1) hp: 22 Armor: 2 Base Damage: 1d10 Deity: Sehanine...