• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Xyxox

    Recent Humble Bundle Maps Spectacular bundle, extra keys I have

    Hey all, ProFantasy recently put up a Maps Spectacular bundle Humble Bundle and I needed everything in it except Campaign Cartographer 3+, City Designer 3, and Dungeon Designer 3. Since I already have those three products I checked and I am free to give away the keys to one person who would add...
  2. Xyxox

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder and Mass Combat

    First a bit about my history with D&D... I started playing D&D with a white box in 1977. Before I got into D&D, I was a wargamer. Once I got into D&D I ran few campaigns that did not require mass combat rules using minatures. Swords and Spells was adequate in the beginning. AD&D required...
  3. Xyxox

    Dark Sun: Let's Read The Original Boxed Set

    The original Dark Sun boxed set had several components: 1) The Rules Book 2) The Wanderer's Journal 3) A Little Knowledge (Fiction + Flip Book Adventure) 4) Player Aid Cards (for A Little Knowledge) 5) Dungeon Master's Book (for a Little Knowledge) 6) Color Map of the Tyr Region 7) B&W Map of...
  4. Xyxox

    A Gaming Table My Wife Will Let Me Have

    This is the coolest and highest class gaming table I have ever seen. Not only is it usable for RPGs, but would also be ideal for tabletop wargaming (another hobby of mine): ENers, meet The Sultan Now, all I have to do is come up with the $10K price tag...
  5. Xyxox

    Forked Thread: Great City Campaign Setting...not 4e...sucks

    Sorry, did not mean to fork this thread.
  6. Xyxox

    D&D Intiative...Master Tools 2008?

    The more I've looked into the DDI, the more I am reminded of the Master Tools/eTools debacle of third edition. Now I was one of those DMS that purches the Core Rules CD-ROM and went ahead nad got Core Rules 2.0 and the Expansion. I have to say, that CR2+E lived up to what I wanted for D&D 2nd...
  7. Xyxox

    D&D 4E Gaming, Gamers, Dollars, and 4E

    I look at tabletop gaming and the economic realities involved and wonder where the direction will be. I'm a gamer. I like a plethora of games, not the least of which is D&D. I, like all gamers, have a finite sum of money to spend on my hobby(ies). That sum increases and decreases with the...
  8. Xyxox

    There will be no 4.5. It is 4th Edition.

    Stated with authority in this post on the Wizards of the Coast 4E boards. This is one quote I may have to put into my sig.
  9. Xyxox

    Hey WotC, SHOW ME THE SLA!!!

    WotC servers are still down for D&D content. Their IT deparment failed to meet the requirements of the marketing intiative for a flagship product for whatever reason. MArketing could have lowballed estimates. IT could have underpowered the server. The reasons could be many but this is a...