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  1. C

    D&D 5E Absorb Elements saved my life.

    The demon killed our gnome mage. Sure, our cleric would be able to revivify him if we can end the fight quickly enough. But just then the Maze Engine shook, scattering us about. The dead gnome slid into the lava below before anyone could get to him. Of course, earlier in the day, I had given him...
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    D&D 5E Do you feel 5e pressures you to build strong over fun?

    A conversation in another thread spurred me to want to start this one so as not to derail that one further. First, I get that there are plenty of perfectly legit playstyles out there. I'm no OneTrueWay believer or BadWrongFun caller-outer. This isn't about "I can't believe you guys play that...
  3. C

    D&D 5E Blade Ward & HAM

    I think I want Blade Ward and HAM. I think I'd like them, Sam I am. I'm thinking about taking Blade Ward for my Goliath Eldritch Knight. He has Heavy Armor Mastery already. So I was just wondering if there's any official rule/clarification on how these two should interact. Do you halve the...
  4. C

    Hellish Rebuke

    The warlock at-will power Hellish Rebuke states that, if you take damage before the end of your next turn, the target takes more damage. To paraphrase. Now, the flavor text at the top seems to indicate that it only flares up once before burning out. But the power says nothing of this. So the...
  5. C

    New Magic Item Proposed: Eye of the Dragon

    Eye of the Dragon This bronze, palm-sized disk has a ring-shaped carving around its face, depicting a dragon swallowing its own tail. At it’s center is set a large amber gem, resembling a reptilian eye. While grasping this medallion, the character can detect the unique auras surrounding dragons...
  6. C

    Mage Armor, incorporeal creatures and unarmed attacks

    Yep, just what the title suggests. ;) This came up in last night's game. I have a monk and am good at grapples. We were fighting a wizard in ghostform. This opponent was getting really annoying by popping in and ouot of the walls and floors, casting spells at us, and then taking off. Because...
  7. C

    Dragons and grapple

    So, MM: "Grappling: Dragons do not favor grapple attacks, though their crush attack and Snatch feat (see the descriptions of feats) use normal grapple rules." One of my players is upset that my big bad dragon used fly-by and snatch tactics, managing to kill his PC. He's complaining that...
  8. C

    Item cost quandry: Dragon's Breath Amulet

    So I have a half-dragon in our game. Yeah, yeah, let's not get into the pros and cons of half-dragons. Save that for another thread. ;) I want to give him an amulet that will increase the number of times per day that he can breath fire. Since the damage is 6d10, that relates roughly to 10d6. A...
  9. C

    Great Throw... and tripping prone opponents

    Lets say a monk has Great Throw (from OA). It lets him toss people around in his threat range, using the trip rules. Can he trip someone who is already prone? Is there any restriction on tripping someone already down? Normally, tripping a prone target is a waste of time, but in this case, not...
  10. C

    INT bonus, skills and stat increases

    So we (my gaming group) were discussing stat increases and their effects on a character. One of the things that has been bugging us is that, of all the abilities, intelligence is the only one that is a pain in the butt to deal with. The "no retroactivity" of it, mainly as it applies to skill...
  11. C

    Intelligent Carpet of Flying (finally done???) - help requested

    So I've finally to the point where I'm going to make the intelligent flying carpet idea for my game. I'm very perplexed as to exactly what to do about its stats though. It is based on an intelligent magic item, so it gets mental scores. It also picks up a few special abilities and able to...
  12. C

    +5 Adamantine Armor Spikes of Defending

    So what are the particulars and mechanics around using something like this? Is it an extra +5 to AC all the time? Is it only applicable if you "allocate" an off-hand attack to "activate" them"? Must you actually use them to attack with before it applies? Should this just be forgotten and we...
  13. C

    Fiendish Servant (bollixed 'bout blackguard badguys)

    So a Fiendish Servant eventually picks up SR when the blackguard reaches 19-20 ChL. It gets SR equal to the blackguards ChL+5. So what? The fiendish template already provides SR equal to the creatures HDx2 (maximum 25). Let's take a fiendish warhorse as possessed by as blackguard with 16...
  14. C

    Intelligent Flying Carpet

    Yes, I know, Disney's Alladin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look. I have a 3 year old daughter who loves to watch the darn thing E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y. So I can't help myself, alright? I apologize. ;) Aside from the obvious link to the cartoon, the idea of an intelligent flying carpet in D&D is quite good...
  15. C

    All this talk of monks... Monk's Tattoo (MoF)

    So what is it about the Monk's Tattoo that makes it worth 80,000 gp? For those unfamiliar, it adds 4 levels to a monk for the purposes of unarmed damage, AC bonus and movement only. Basically if slides you up the chart by four levels earlier than you would normally get them. No other benefits...
  16. C

    Unarmed attacks while armed

    So his my proposal: Let's say I am fighting with a one-handed weapon and nothing in the other hand (basically a duelist/swashbuckler type). Now, let us presume that I want to make an off-hand attack with my emply hand. I do not possess the Improved Unarmed feat or monk levels. I do not have a...