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Search results

  1. WizarDru

    Virtual Tabletops/Online Tools?

    I'm planning on running an online 5E game for friends who don't live nearby. What do people prefer to use these days/recommend? I remember trying Roll20 and thinking it was decent enough then, but I'm curious what folks who currently run online games are using. Obviously I could use something...
  2. WizarDru

    Campaign Creation: practical effects of some changes

    So for the new setting I'm working on, I'm working with a few ideas with relatively minor mechanical implications. What I'm wondering is if there are effects that I'm missing that I may need to factor in. Due to a series of setting specific reasons, the following conditions apply: Skin colors...
  3. WizarDru

    D&D 4E The 4E Rakshasa...a little plain?

    So, I've been running the 4E adventure "The Art of Deception" from Dungeon #217. I think it's a cracking good adventure, quite honestly I consider it the best adventure I've run under 4E for my group, as it doesn't feel like a fixed carnival ride, but offers the players a lot of freedom to...
  4. WizarDru

    Brainstorm with Me: Modron Station #1

    Hey, guys. The old noodle is dusty from weeks off from the game and I've got one scheduled for tomorrow night. It's potentially the climax of a long-running adventure, but with a lot of personal shenanigans, I haven't had time to flesh out the finale idea as much as I might. That's where I...
  5. WizarDru

    Brainstorm with Me! Modrons.

    [note to mods: I don't see a sub-forum for this plots/monsters/etc any longer? If I've missed it, please move this thread to the appropriate location. Thanks!] So, I've been sort of coasting this year. Our games have been spaced out more and with a bunch of personal issues cropping up (heavy...
  6. WizarDru

    Time until Subscription is active?

    How long does it take before a subscription is activated? I just signed up for a Silver subscription using Paypal over an hour ago, but I'm still listed as 'INACTIVE'. I did get a receipt from Paypal about the 4-month subscription. I didn't see any reference to it in the FAQ or on the...
  7. WizarDru

    Help me Brainstorm: Portal Magic for Bad Guys

    So, here's the thing. On at least two occasions, my players have had an encounter with evil NPCs who had access to long and short range teleportation via summoned portals. The players have seen the process in action, but have no idea how it worked. Thing is...neither do I. :) I have...
  8. WizarDru

    D&D 4E Is it me or are 4E modules just not...exciting?

    So, we've been playing 4E for...huh, I guess 2 years, now? Not heavily, mind you, but consistently. Mostly using my own material, but often (as in years and editions past) grabbing from various published sources. But I've been noticing something since the arrival of 4E and I'm trying to...
  9. WizarDru

    "Enter the Dragon" - Mini-Documentary

    I hadn't noticed this posted here yet, so I thought I'd start a thread about it. Wil Wheaton posted a link to his blog, which is how I saw it. It's a nice short and sweet little documentary about playing D&D. I have to admit, I thought it was very funny that the one player describes D&D in...
  10. WizarDru

    Dru's Super-Fantabulous D&D book auction!

    Hey, kids! Do you like D&D? Sure, we all do! And you know what you'd like? D&D Books and lots of 'em. But where can you get 'em? I know a place! I've just bought a new house and it's time to move. That means I need to prune my inventory of gaming stuff. And I'd rather some of my D&D...
  11. WizarDru

    Ritual Casting: thinking of giving for free

    I am seriously considering offering Ritual Casting as a free Feat to all players...or perhaps Ritual Casting to magical characters and something like Expertise to martial characters. Is there a particular reason to avoid this?
  12. WizarDru

    Burning Castles (brainstorming)

    So when I last left my players, they had just successfully returned to Castle Arbok, the home of their order. Utilizing a powerful artifact called BlueWand, they traveled to the castle's secure teleport circle. But no one greeted them on arrival...which is not all that unusual, since they...
  13. WizarDru

    D&D 4E Essentials and 4E Classes: Compatible and Comparable?

    Hey, gang. I'm not quite up to speed, per se, on the whole 'Essentials' line. I understand the basic ideas behind it, but don't own any Essentials books. I am, however, a DDI Subscriber. Seeing the classes in the Character Builder, I am considering offering my players access to those...
  14. WizarDru

    Gamma World...Impressions.

    So as I'm sure most folks know, WotC released a new version of Gamma World. Being a fan from all the way back when it used the system from Metamorphosis: Alpha, I was interested. Seeing it branded as 'D&D: Gamma World'...well, not as great. The new model that WotC is testing with the 'sell it...
  15. WizarDru

    D&D 4E 4E Adventures: Are there any GOOD ones for customizing?

    I am currently a DDI subscriber (though this year, I only JUST decided to maintain that subscription as I feel the value proposition is tenuous). One of the things I had most hoped for from DDI was the high quality adventures I once used to enjoy from Dungeon magazine. I found Dungeon to be...
  16. WizarDru

    Great Artwork from....He-Man?

    An artist who worked on the original kid show version of "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" by Filmation back in the early 1980s and happened to notice that they were throwing away some pencil renders of their backgrounds used in the show and saved them. They are, IMHO, old school...
  17. WizarDru

    Brainstorming: Search the Deep Library!

    And so it came to pass that our heroes managed to locate the fabled Deep Library. Once the repository of the collected knowledge of the Suelwyn race, a heretofore unknown cataclysm of unimaginable power sunk an entire continent beneath the waves of the place men now call The Last Land, leaving...
  18. WizarDru

    GURPS and Castle Falkenstein auctions

    Mods, feel free to move or delete this as appropriate. Just thought folks might be interested that I'm selling off my collection of GURPS books and Castle Falkenstein books on ebay. (Well, not ALL of them...I'm keeping three for myself). I need space and they've been just sitting on...
  19. WizarDru

    Looking for Suggestions: Underwater Exploration

    So in tomorrow's adventure, there's a very real chance that the players will be exploring the ocean floor, with the aid of magic. In search of a place called the "Deep Library", they will need to explore ruins long submerged on a sunken island chain. Therein they may learn the fate of a...
  20. WizarDru

    Why RPGs are Good For You

    Presented by The Escapist website and one of the hoopiest froods I know (not to mention one of the best DMs), a quick primer on the benefits of RPGs. Why RPGs are Good For You