• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Mystery Man

    Hey Diaglo!

  2. Mystery Man

    Say if I'm a paladin can I get a demon cohort?

  3. Mystery Man

    Statted NPC Classes

    I had or thought I had a link to statted out NPC classes from the DMG. Stats for Experts, Adepts, Aristorcrats etc. If anyone has a source for this please share. Thnx
  4. Mystery Man

    Whatever happened to Castlemorn?

    This was announced a couple years ago and was supposed to come out in '04? http://paizo.com/store/brand/d20System/fastForwardEntertainment/v5748btpy759k
  5. Mystery Man

    Magic Compendium must be popular

    Went to two places over my lunch break and both sold out.
  6. Mystery Man

    Looking for a nastier version of a Carrion Crawler

    Is it out there? Something bigger, meaner but the same type concept? Suggestions welcome.
  7. Mystery Man

    sort of... mission... quest... thing

    I'm looking for ideas but in a different direction. It's a high level game in the Forgotten Realms I'm running that has sort of evolved from another plot I was running (like that never happens). A genius loci or an undead genius loci actualy has been manifested by a fallen solar to get revenge...
  8. Mystery Man

    Farewell to my little cousin

    I've just recieved word that my cousin Molly of only 8 years of age has passed away. After a sudden diagnosis of cancer just after labor day she fought the good fight but it got the best of her. Such a sweet little girl. God Speed little lady! :(
  9. Mystery Man

    Looks interesting - Aeonflux

  10. Mystery Man

    Peyton Manning - is it just me?

    Watching Peyton Manning "miked up" on ESPN. When he talks he sounds like Johnny Bravo doing Elvis or Elvis doing Johnny Bravo? Or is it just me?
  11. Mystery Man

    NE - Looking for player in Nebraska, Omaha area

    reply to this thread if interested.
  12. Mystery Man

    Advancing monster question

    Advancing a magical beast.... What does it mean by "Good Fortitude and Reflex saves" ? TIA
  13. Mystery Man

    Happy (belated) Leif Erikson Day!!

    Hinga finga furgen!!
  14. Mystery Man

    Greater magic weapon (stacking)

    http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicWeapon.htm http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicWeaponGreater.htm Does greater magic weapon stack with a magic bonus on say, a +2 longsword? :heh:
  15. Mystery Man

    online dice roller for pbp games

    What does everyone use? Thanks B
  16. Mystery Man

    Wilderlands (Random ruin generator)

    Thursdays are apparently the day I come in to work and don't do anything. So I have my Wilderlands book with me (probably why I'm not doing anything) and I'm playing with the Random Ruin Generator. Works pretty well actually, lots of encounter ideas, you get some cool mental pictures as you're...
  17. Mystery Man

    D&D at The Barn (pics inside)

    We have an entire building dedicated for Game!! We finished the inside of a barn and use it exclusively for gaming purposes. Just thought I'd share... The Barn http://members.cox.net/slartybarfast/The_Barn.jpg The Table (We're going to build a custom table but this will do for now) The bald...
  18. Mystery Man

    schmoke and a pancake?

    http://www.countingdown.com/movies/2756429 Austin Powers 4 rumored to be in the works. Yeah baby!
  19. Mystery Man

    Good v. Evil, Heroic v. Antihero, Chaos v. Law and "Save the Planet" - Bah!

    So I've finally come to the realization that I've been wasting my time. I enforce alignments and provide consequences to (extreme) violations of same in the hopes that they (my players) will somehow become more "heroic". With limited degrees of success. :\ They have their moments of great...
  20. Mystery Man

    What is "apparent time"?

    Never cast timestop, but I'm going to soon, I want to make sure all my ducks are in a row. "You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time." Does this mean that 1d4+1 rounds go by for you while only one round goes by for everyone else? Cornfuseled!