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Search results

  1. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    Hi, I'm reading Lord of the Rings once again, and cannot help but think that Big G is the archetype for all the bad DMPCs most of us have suffered through. All the respect to Tolkien for reinforcing the adventuring group cliche, which is quite useful for the logistics of RPGing. I just feel...
  2. Numion

    Adventuring and Collateral Damage

    Hi, just musing here about the nature of D&D.. Most of my experience with D&D is about foolhardy adventurers that go on adventures for the personal gain in power and wealth. Adventurers also seem to enjoy the thrill of combat; kicking ass seems to be a value in itself. The premise for most...
  3. Numion

    Best Ways to Increase the Fame of Your Adventuring Group

    Hi, The game is about being a member of, and running, an adventuring party. Thus, it's quite surprising that while many characters gain ultimate personal power, their adventuring groups still operate like amateurs; living from tavern to tavern, taking missions from shady/dirty old men in said...
  4. Numion

    What Is Your Adventuring Groups Name?

    If your adventuring group has a name in-game, post it here, past and present names welcome. If you're a DM and don't play a PC in any game, post your players adventuring group name. In my 3E years I've had few groups that had a name: The Slayers (of Evil) (first 3E campaign; 'of Evil' was...
  5. Numion

    Armor Spikes: Unpractical?

    Hi, Quite often in threads the equipment in D&D derided because it's not historically accurate. Is it correct to criticize equipment on this basis? I mean, most D&D worlds are not historically accurate. For example, in medieval Europe most big animals were already extinct, and armor was only...
  6. Numion

    Can You Hang a Halfling?

    I mean, yes, sure you can, but will the halfling die as a result? The reasoning goes as following: In 3E halflings are similarly proportioned to humans, but 1/2 the height. The ability of the neck to support weight is approximatively proportional to it's cross-sectional area, which is...
  7. Numion

    24 Day 6 *SPOILERS*

    Just saw the first episode, and whoah! A very good start to the new season. I almost cracked up when Bauer goes all Hannibal Lecter at the end!
  8. Numion

    A Dozen Crossbows Aimed at You ..

    .. and you're a high level character. Say, your high level D&D character somehow finds himself in the sights of a dozen city watchmen with their crossbows. The watch leader says: "Drop your wands, weapons and holy symbols. You're under arrest". What do you think should happen? The rules say...
  9. Numion

    Borat - Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

    Hi! Just saw this one today. There's been a lot of hype on the net over this movie, like it's the funnies movie of the decade or some such. How did it stack up to the expectations? Yes and no. The movie was really, really funny - no Hollywood comedy in recent years I remember even comes close...
  10. Numion

    Rap Video Magic Items!!!1!

    Hi Yes, I've gone off the deep end. I've seen a lot of rap videos on MTV, and thought "what's the use of all the jewelry and stuff?" Probably no use at all. But in D&D, there just might be. Here are some rap video inspired magic items: :p Diamond Pinky-Ring of Bitch-Slappin This is a pinky...
  11. Numion

    Best on TV Right Now? Post Your Opinion.

    Hi There are some seriously good series (heh) on TV right now. This thread is for voicing your opinion on what's best. There's no strict rules - you can mention more than one series, if you can't decide. IMO the best series right now is HBO's The Wire. By a wide margin. Just damn that series...
  12. Numion

    No love for the stupid wizard?

    Wanna play a character, dedicated to a single class from level 1 to 20. Gotta be a wizard (or a wizard concept-based alternative with same spellcasting ability). This guy is stupid, with a natural 6 Int; not so notable in other mental attributes. What does the core rule book offer the highly...
  13. Numion

    Unsatisfactory BBEG Fight?

    Inspired by the NPC mechanics thread. So, the set-up is this: the campaigns BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) has harrassed your PC group for the past ten levels or so (say, 5th-15th). He's sent minions after you, kidnapped your relatives, killed a few of your group and maybe even mocked you by...
  14. Numion

    Thailand, Take 2

    Hi! As you may or may not remember, I shared some thoughts on my earlier trip to thailand two months back (I was in Thailand 1-16.5.2006). It was such a jolly place that we're going again this september, leaving in around 40 days. This time were staying 3 weeks. That's going to burn most of my...
  15. Numion

    Does Your Group Abuse NPCs?

    Hi! Inspired by the different threads on evolution (or degeneration, according to some) of D&D. When we started 1E AD&D (or really BD&D before that) a character sheet was a license to abuse the other inhabitants of the fantasy world. Anyone caught in public without a character sheet (namely...
  16. Numion

    Just got home from Thailand

    Hi A little over two weeks in Thailand. Bangkok - Koh Chang - Bangkok - Pattaya - Bangkok. If you know Thailand, you'll know that there's little sense in going from Chang to Bangkok instead of straight to Pattaya. We had a bit of bad luck - on an internal flight check-in my friends passports...
  17. Numion

    Castle Maure - Not All That

    Hi In order not to derail the golden age of D&D thread, I decided to borrow mearls comment and start a new thread. I think that Castle Maure is way overrated, probably due to nostalgia. Let's start with mearls comment on the subject: Why I think that Maure is not all that is actually laid out...
  18. Numion

    Would You Allow an Old Starting PC?

    Hi! I'm starting the Shackled City campaign soon, and that means new 1st level PCs for my players. I discussed PCs with one player, and he envisioned a Gandalf-type old and wizened wizard. He thought about making an older PC, in short. Maybe he's aiming for the mental stat bonuses, or maybe...
  19. Numion

    The Grand List of Overused SF Cliches

    This was first posted on FARK, it's a pretty funny and long list of SF-cliches. I was shocked when I realized how many I've 'seen in action': http://enphilistor.users4.50megs.com/cliche.htm?2 Example: "Clones come out of the cloning vat with the same haircut as the individual cloned." That...
  20. Numion

    Any Experiences with Trouble at Durbenford?

    Hi! I've been getting more anxious to DM again now that I've been a player for a while. I've been buying Dungeon magazines, looking for an outline for a campaign of connected, pre-made adventures. I'm too busy to completely make a campaign from scratch, so I'll use mostly pre-made, with...