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Search results

  1. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    Hi all. I am looking for a D&D campaign running 1st through 20th. Something similar to Paizo's adventure paths (PF1 is our usual game of choice). Everywhere I look there is nothing. It seems campaigns for D&D5 are really short or everyone is just running individual adventures. Any suggestions...
  2. DragonLancer

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo: Any plans for more complete AP books?

    Yesturday I picked up my copy of the RotRL anniversary book. I'm curious as to whether Paizo is going to be releasing the other APs in this format? Thanks.
  3. DragonLancer

    Where are the campaign settings?

    Might seem like an odd question but, over the run of 3.X D&D you could search Google and find hundreds of homebrew campaign settings that people had created. I always liked reading them and hunting for ideas. Haven't done that for a while but recently did a look and there are one or two and...
  4. DragonLancer

    AC question

    A question has come up at tonights game. A character has a dex of 9 and thus a -1 modifier. His normal AC without armour is thus 9. His touch is also 9 bit how does this ability affect his flat footed AC? Is the penalty ignored thus making his FF higher than his normal AC? This seems odd and we...
  5. DragonLancer

    Distant Worlds?

    Anyone have this source book and what did you think of it? I've put an order in with my local store for it but I'm curious what others opinions.
  6. DragonLancer

    Do fantasy RPGs have to be fantasical?

    This is a topic that came to mind a few nights ago and I would like to see other people's thoughts and opinions. I'll be referencing D&D 3.X and Pathfinder mainly but it can apply to any fantasy RPG. When I started with basic (red box) D&D and 1st edition AD&D my friends and I never saw the...
  7. DragonLancer

    Question about scrolls & potions

    Silly question but when a "cure X" scroll or potion is made does the creator add the caster level bonus to it as they would when casting a cure spell?
  8. DragonLancer

    Ult. Magic: Create Demiplane

    The Ultimate Magic spell Create Demiplane has as part of it's effect "up to ten 10-ft cubes/level (S)." What does the S represent? One of my players thinks it means squared, so the plane has to be a cube. I have never seen squared represented by an S though.
  9. DragonLancer

    Are stoned characters dead?

    In my Pathfinder game last week one of the characters stumbled upon a Basilisk lair and was promptly turned to stone. Thankfully, the party had an oil of stone to flesh found in a prior adventure and the character was restored after the combat. However, it made me ponder something that I hadn't...
  10. DragonLancer

    Monsters left on 1HP?

    Serious topic, though it may sound silly. Does this happen to anyone else out there or is just me and the groups I play with? Almost every fight (and I've kept logs just to prove to myself that I'm remembering it once in a blue moon) at least one opponent, usually more than one, ends up being...
  11. DragonLancer

    Seeking kingdom random events

    Way back under 2nd edition AD&D I ran a game where the characters became local lords and such. I had an issue of Dragon magazine that had rules for running small kingdoms and a monthly events table. Was a really good campaign. With everyone in my current Pathfinder group motivated by the Game...
  12. DragonLancer

    Bribing the DM

    Greetings fellow forumites. I would like to raise an issue that has come up in the Pathfinder game in which I play. The thief is always getting notes passed to him by the DM and I'm convinced that one of the other players is getting preferential treatment. I've attempted to bribe the DM week...
  13. DragonLancer

    3.X books for sale

    Hi guys. I'm having an early spring clean and tidy arond the house and I've decided to sell the 3.x books that I have no need for any more. I really just want to get rid of them so hopefully there will be something for your interest. Items Gone. I will ship happily to US and Europe for the...
  14. DragonLancer

    [When Worlds Collide] When Worlds Collide RPG

    I'm posting this for my friend John Fountain who as of today is a published author. His own roleplaying system, When Worlds Collide goes live on Amazon.uk and play.com today. He currently is looking into a website for further updates and discussion. On Amazon UK. On Play.com in the UK...
  15. DragonLancer

    Pathfinder 1E (Golarion) Cannons?

    In the campaign setting there are some examples of firearms in the equipment section and says such items are rare. However, after recently reading the Sargava the Lost Colony sourcebook and how the pirates keep the Chelish navy at bay I wondered do actual cannons exist, specifically for naval...
  16. DragonLancer

    Can't mark forums as read

    Everytime I try to mark the forums as read, I get a message that I have an invalid security token and the action cannot be performed.
  17. DragonLancer

    Pathfinder 1E What's available (Golarion)

    Looking into what has been published and what's upcoming, can someone confirm for me that the following is a complete list of the Golarion setting material? I'm not counting map packs or the monster books (still use my 3.5 collection for monsters). Thanks. Andoran: Spirit of Liberty. Book of...
  18. DragonLancer

    Why play human?

    My group and I are still testing out the PF system, and finding it very much to our liking. However we've been discussing the changes to the core races and quite frankly on a mechanical level why would anyone ever play a human character? All the other races bonuses far outweigh those of playing...
  19. DragonLancer

    Updated older DDM sets?

    Apologises firstly, if this has been answered before. I've had a look but I can't find a thread about it. With the release of the new 4th ed D&D minis, I had heard that WotC were going to put up the old cards updated to the new system. Is this true, and if so, has there been any word when it...
  20. DragonLancer

    Modifiers Sheet

    A while ago I found a site that had a sheet for players to keep track of the different modifiers affecting their characters. Unfortunately I can't find it now. Anyone know where I might find one? Thanks.