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Search results

  1. Troll Lord

    Humble RPG Bundle: 5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors

    Greetings! The Humble RPG Bundle: 5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors is live on Humble Bundle. It is a massive haul worth upwards of $381 of fantasy gaming goodness for Fifth Edition. Get a library of maps, campaign guides, adventures, and other resources to support the Fifth Edition of everyone’s...
  2. Troll Lord

    Bundle of Holding: Castles & Crusades!

    Greetings from the Dens! Once more Castles & Crusades . . . the no-holds-barred bare knuckle fantasy role playing game . . . is now on Bundle of Holding! You can scoop up the Players Handbook, Castle Keepers Guide, Arms and Armor and so much more! The sooner you commit the better it is, as the...
  3. Troll Lord

    Chenault & Gray/Troll Lord Games teams up with Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.

    Little Rock, AR – April 18, 2017 – Michael Tierney’s Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 100 Year Art Chronology is a multi-volume collection that captures the vast illustrative history of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Chenault & Gray Publishing and ERB Inc. are working together to bring this project to life. In...
  4. Troll Lord

    (Castles & Crusades) What Game Do you Play?

    Greetings from the Dens! There are a plethora of FRPGs on the market today. You’ve probably played several of them, if not a veritable host of them. You’ve hacked your way through the simple, and you’ve trudged your way through the complex. They all offer a little something, it's why you keep...
  5. Troll Lord

    Free Free Copy of C&C Adventure Under the Blood Red Moon on Kickstarter

    For those of you who may not know what Castles & Crusades is or how it plays, head over to our ongoing Kickstarter for a FREE download. Familiar with Castles & Crusades? Well get you copy anyway! Under the Blood Red Moon is an Open and Play book, meaning it has all you need to run a...
  6. Troll Lord

    Final 5 Days! Familiars, Miniatures, Dragon Riders and More

    Greetings from the Dens! We have entered our last five days on the Familiars Kickstarter! We are very close to funding! We've added a Castles & Crusades version, miniatures from Ral Partha/Iron Wind, poster, and are angling for added content in the guise of Dragon Riders! All this and the...
  7. Troll Lord

    Kickstarter TLG's 5th Edition Kickstarter in Full Swing

    Greetings from the Dens! All those who tread the paths of the wild, who crawl through the lost dark, plunder treasures of the ancients, must surely find themselves alone and bereft of friends. It is in those moments, when in the cold and dangerous dark that you turn to those you most trust...
  8. Troll Lord

    5th Edition: Your Brothers In Arms (Familiars)

    Greetings from the Dens! As you may or may not be aware we are hard at work for a massive conversion for our Book of Familiars. The veteran game designer Jason Vey is hard at work even now (just told me there will be Tieflings and Dragonborn in the book). Its growing by the day. But we've put...
  9. Troll Lord

    5th Edition Familiars and Animal Companions

    All those who tread the paths of the wild, who crawl through the lost dark, plunder treasures of the ancients, must surely find themselves alone and bereft of friends. It is in those moments, when the cold creeps up your spine, and the hair rises, that you most need a stalwart companion at your...
  10. Troll Lord

    Troll Lord Games' 5th Edition Goes Print!

    Greetings from the Dens! Even as we put the final touches on the massive Castles & Crusades project The Lost City of Gaxmoor, we launch the PRINT editions of our first 5th Edition adventures: A0 Rising Knight and A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge (A2 Slag Heap is almost ready for release). Until...
  11. Troll Lord

    D&D 5E A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge is Available!

    Greetings from the Dens! Last week, just before the break, we released A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge for 5E. This is the follow up our initial release A0 The Rising Knight. Assault on Blacktooth Ridge is much longer and far more involved. The Blacktooth Ridge is wedged on the northern rim...
  12. Troll Lord

    Christmas Comes to the Troll Dens!

    It's that time of year again! Christmas time! Stockings need filled! Presents wrapped! Trees laden with gifts for loved ones! Santa has generously given to the Troll all the plunder we were able to loot from his toyshop!! And now it's time to unlock the Iron Doors of the Dens and let all and...
  13. Troll Lord

    Hell's Bounty Awaits.....Brimstone and the Borderhounds

    Good guys don't always go to Heaven and bad guys don't always end up in Hell. The multiverse is one giant amalgam of giant corporations that humans know as afterlives. Heaven. Hell. Valhalla. The Happy Hunting Grounds. Some might look prettier than others, but in the end they're all at war for...
  14. Troll Lord

    D&D 5E TLG Releases 5th Edition Adventure

    Attribute checks are here to stay! Fifth Edition has followed in the noble steps of Castles and Crusades. And now, for the first time Troll Lord Games is bringing the two systems together! Rising Knight! Converted to and for the Fifth Edition of the oldest, largest RPG on the planet! Get your...
  15. Troll Lord

    The Ultimate Resource for GM's Everywhere

    The Castle Keepers Guide (CKG) was released several years ago, but recently we released it in full color, expanded the page count (largely by increasing the font size to 10), and ironed out some of the wrinkles in the text. Its huge, 352 pages now. But the book is really chalk full of material...
  16. Troll Lord

    Free RPG Day Round Up

    Greetings from the Dens, Looks like Free RPG Day was another hit! We didn't get out to All Things Fun in West Berlin as we had hoped, but they ran our offered adventure Shadows of a Green Sky that contained the Open & Play Basic Set. Any and all thoughts are welcome. We hope you all had a...
  17. Troll Lord

    Castles & Crusades Black Friday Sales

    Winter has crowned the northern hemisphere like a frost giant's rage! The snow is falling thick and fast and the wind blowing cold. Time to light a fire, hunker down and plunge into the worm hole with Castles & Crusades! To help you do it, we're kicking the doors to the Troll Dens wide open...
  18. Troll Lord

    RPG Survey (General)

    Greetings All, Hobby gaming is a huge community. From video games to role playings games, card games to miniature games, to board and dice games; the hobby gaming community is large and diverse. Role playing games may be a smaller piece of that equation than when it was booming in the '80s, but...
  19. Troll Lord

    Kickstarter Kickstarter Funding Goals Reached and Exceeded!

    Castles & Crusades is celebrating its 10th year in print. By a twist of fate our three central books, the Three Sisters as we like to call them, the Players Handbook, Monsters & Treasure and the Castle Keepers Guide have all sold out. We have to get them back into print and do it now. To do...
  20. Troll Lord

    The Value of Damage Reduction

    I'm very late to this party, but I've come to realize the value of damage reduction. Our ongoing game has reached about 9th level and these guys can deal out some pain, particularly when the mage is forced into a corner and casts just damage dealing spells like magic missile (always hits, etc...