• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. RigaMortus

    Pathfinder 1E Need some advice on a potential Master Summoner / Cavalier build

    Not sure where to go with this, so looking for some advice on what direction to go if it's even worth it... My thought was to be a Master Summoner that summons a boat load of creatures. Then take a 1 level dip into Cavalier simply for the Tactician ability. The theory being, all your summoned...
  2. RigaMortus

    Anti-Magic Field and Scrying...

    Can AMF stop Scrying?
  3. RigaMortus

    Spiked Chain + Reach

    If I am a medium character with a medium sized spiked chain, I threaten 5 and 10 feet out. If someone casts Enlarge Person on me, what is my new threat range? What if I become Huge, or Collosal? What would my reach become with the spiked chain?
  4. RigaMortus

    Questions regarding falling damage..

    I probably missed it somewhere, but what are the rules on falling damage as far as something falling onto someone? I know that if I fall 30 feet, I will take +1d6 damage per 10 feet I fall... But let's say I push a boulder onto someone from 30 feet up, how much damage would the boulder do to...
  5. RigaMortus

    D&D Mass Combat rules question...

    Are there any mass combat rules on could use w/ D&D? What I am interested in is playing individual PCs during a war with hundreds or thousands of soldiers running around. The problem is, I don't want to roll 1000 d20's to see if everyone hits. The other problem is, I don't want the PCs to die...
  6. RigaMortus

    Several questions on Ranged Pin feat (Complete Warrior)

    When you use Ranged Pin, does the arrow (assuming you use a bow and arrow with it) do damage to the opponent, or does it just pin them against a wall/tree/whatever? Is the opponent considered grappled? Or pinned? If so, do they lose their Dex bonus? If so, do they lose their Dex bonus to you...
  7. RigaMortus

    Need some equipment suggestions for a 9th lvl Cleric of Mystra...

    Any ideas? I can use anything from Core, Complete and 3.5 Faerun books... I do need to boost up my Reflex save if anyone has any suggestions on that?
  8. RigaMortus

    Elves and the Sleep spell

    Hopefully this is a simple question... Let's say an Elf is surrounded by a group of Orcs. A Wizard casts the Sleep spell at them. Let's also say the Elf is closest to the center of the Sleep spell, so it would be "affected" first. Clearly the Elf is immune to the Sleep spell, but I am...
  9. RigaMortus

    Death Urge + Deja Vu' (is this right?)

    Can you cast Death Urge then, if successful, cast Deja Vu' the next round to basically "mimic" what Death Urge does? To me, it looks like you can... I had inadvertantly took these two powers with my Psion, and just realized how well they work together...
  10. RigaMortus

    Need advice picking lvl 4 powers for a Psion Telepath...

    I get two new powers this level... I definately want to take Dominate Person, but I don't know what other power to take. Was thinking Schism, but then I would run out of powers too quickly. And it is not uncommon for us to have a bunch of encounters before resting again. Character stats are...
  11. RigaMortus

    Cloud Mind... Is this a useless power?

    From the SRD Ok, so how would one go about using this power effectively? First off, you have to Target the enemy you want to become invisible to. Secondly, they have to be in close range (25ft +5/2 levels). Third, they get a saving throw, if they fail, wouldn't they know something is up...
  12. RigaMortus

    Qualities of a Hero

    This is actually from the Lord of the Rings RPG. I thought it was really cool and shared some simularities with DnD alignment, and I just wanted to share it with people here. The Qualities of Heroes Compassion “Deep in his heart there was something that restrained him: he could not strike...
  13. RigaMortus

    Need suggestion on magic items for a 6th level Cleric...

    Nothing fancy, just your average run of the mill Cleric (one that can Turn Undead, as opposed to Rebuke). Maybe magic items that increase AC, chance to Turn, and spells??? Any ideas?
  14. RigaMortus

    Eschew Materials...

    Quick question... does this remove the experience point cost of certain spells as well?
  15. RigaMortus

    What can you do on a Delay?

    Our group plays that when we are in combat, you can only talk when it is your turn, so that no one metagames for others, or tells each other what to do (ie "You go there, and I will flank on my turn"). So I am wondering, when a character Delays their turn, are they allowed to do anything? Any...
  16. RigaMortus

    Passing through an ally, and provoking AoOs

    I swear I read this somewhere in the PHB but I can not find all of the information... It states that if you have cover against an enemy, they can not make AoOs against you. I can find this quote fine. But I thought there was a rule that stated, when moving through the same space as an ally...
  17. RigaMortus

    Assassin's Death Attack (studying his targets)

    So let's say you have a high level Assassin (high enough to cast 4th level Assassin spells)... For purposes of the Assassin's Death Attack, can an Assassin study more than 1 opponent at a time? I don't see any reason why not. They don't really define how the Assassin studies their opponent...
  18. RigaMortus

    Can someone explain Evard's Black Tentacles to me?

    Ashamed to say it, but I've always stayed away from this spell. Never used it once. It is a little confusing as I read it. It says that the area is a 20 ft radius spread. It also says in the description that the tentacles are 10 feet long. Does this mean they have reach? Or is this just...