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(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


Almas lips press in a tight line. She looks to the others. Practicality would say they should turn back here. Their charge is acquired. They won't risk as much descending with only him. But she knows people can be sentimental. She isn't sure what would be the acceptable answer.

"The shelf is about a half mile away from what I can see. The travel should only take around fifteen minutes, normally. Though with an injured party it may take longer. Unlikely that they are still alive, but not impossible."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Nodding towards the faint trail ascending the mountain, he starts to take a step in that direction, but his leg gives out, and he leans back to brace against the rock, shivering. "My three charges – we were separated when the yeti attacked. I tried to lead it away, idiot that I am. But we can't leave them along. The goliath Mokingo Akannathi is sturdy enough, but the halfling Perilou Fishfinger and the tiefling Astrix weren't built for the hardships of the Cairn... I can't abandon them to their fate..."

Vor looks at the man impassively.
"We're paid to find you."
He seems to want to say something else, but goes rigid.

He remains silent, his knuckles whitening around his crossbow. The device points down into the snow, the veins on the back of his hands are visible, a network of tense lines, like cracks on the surface of a well-weathered rock. His breathing remains steady, controlled, a well-practiced mask of calm.

But to the observant eye (insight 3 :p) there's something held back in his gaze, a storm supressed.

There's a battle waging within him, a monstrous tempest struggling to break free, to shatter the mask, the dam holding back a raging river. His jaw clenches, a brief flicker of pain sparking in his dark eyes. Every muscle in his body is coiled tight, ready to spring, yet he stays still, seemingly calm.

In the dim light of the glacier, his eyes, usually as dark as the deepest part of the Underdark flash dangerously red, a sign of internal war that gnaws at his very soul. A bead of sweat, uncharacteristic in the cold of the eternal winter trickles down his forehead. He reaches up and wipes it away, cracking a strained smile to the group, dismissing any potential worries.

"Sorry, just a bit tired" Lumrolur manages to say, the effort behind his words barely concealed. "Long day of tracking. Of course we will help."

Despite the struggle within, Lumrolur retains his composure for now. The battle isn't over, but he has won a small victory.



After spending 20 minutes to skin the crag cats, care for Garret, and patch up the sled, you press onward and upward. Soon, you come to the ice shelf that the wounded mountaineer spoke of - a 50 foot ascent up a wall of ice. Fortunately, there are plentiful handholds and a few chimneys (cracks within which you can brace your back to ease the climb), so with the teamwork and effort you've shown thus far, it should be a straightforward climb.

However, getting Boy, the steel defender Ludo, or the sled up here will be tricky. A little further along the ledge there is a steep slope which a team of dogs might have the strength to tackle, but it has iced over with the cold night making it into more of an ice slide/chute than a reasonable means of ascent.

A faint greenish blue pallor faintly illuminates the mists blowing over the peak above, as if reflecting some distant celestial light source your eyes can't quite make out yet.

GM: No need for you to make checks to climb the ice shelf for yourselves – that was already covered by the group Athletics check. The trick here is what are you doing about the dog Boy, the four-legged steel defender, and the sled?


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Zeth raises his pointer finger as he speaks.

"Ah, given our current situation...wouldn't it be better if we sent the man we were asked to rescue back before setting out on further rescue attempts? We could send the dog, that construct (OOC: he indicates the Steel Defender), and maybe one of us back with them."

He points at the obstacles in front of them, then gestures back towards where the party came from.

"Dragging a wounded man further into the wilderness seems like a bad idea."


Jack chuckles, his laughter echoing across the icy landscape. "A bad idea? It's not like we're trying to sell ice to a hungry yeti. I'd say our plan is quite solid!"

Then he gazes up the mountain into the mist and snow, hovering in thought for a moment, his luminous wings catching faint glimmers of the celestial light source above. "But considering the lay of the land," he begins, "I have to agree with Zeth. Ludo would make an excellent escort for Garret. And Logrim, your knack for keeping things in one piece will definitely come in handy."

Fluttering over to Garret, Jack's light and cheerful tone carries an undercurrent of seriousness. "Garret, my friend, we must do what's best for everyone. You've been brave enough, now let us take the helm. You should turn back with Ludo and Logrim. Imagine the warm hearth at the tavern. A mug of hot mead in your hand, and the comfort of knowing you're safe and sound. Wouldn't that be better than another bout with icy claws and teeth? And besides, Keegan is worried sick over you."

OOC: Sorry for the poor roll, everyone! Persuasion skill check, rolled a 10.
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Jack chuckles, his laughter echoing across the icy landscape. "A bad idea? It's not like we're trying to sell ice to a hungry yeti. I'd say our plan is quite solid!"

Then he gazes up the mountain into the mist and snow, hovering in thought for a moment, his luminous wings catching faint glimmers of the celestial light source above. "But considering the lay of the land," he begins, "I have to agree with Zeth. Ludo would make an excellent escort for Garret. And Logrim, your knack for keeping things in one piece will definitely come in handy."

Fluttering over to Garret, Jack's light and cheerful tone carries an undercurrent of seriousness. "Garret, my friend, we must do what's best for everyone. You've been brave enough, now let us take the helm. You should turn back with Ludo and Logrim. Imagine the warm hearth at the tavern. A mug of hot mead in your hand, and the comfort of knowing you're safe and sound. Wouldn't that be better than another bout with icy claws and teeth? And besides, Keegan is worried sick over you."

OOC: Sorry for the poor roll, everyone! Persuasion skill check, rolled a 10.
Though accustomed to making hard choices in the wilds of the dale, Garret's exhaustion seems to have fixated him on a single train of thought – rescuing the three he came up with. Just when it seems like his frost-bitten scowl couldn't deepen any further at the wee fey, his eyes soften as soon as Jack mentions Garret's husband Keegan. "He- He's here?" Taking a defeated breath, he looks down, finally unclenching his mitts. Slowly he nods toward the steel defender and the rickety sled. "You're right. I- I should go back down. Will you promise me, wee sprite of winter, to retrieve the three – the goliath, halfing, and tiefling – if you're able to and they yet be alive?" Boy wags his tail weakily, looking just as weary as his master and friend.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur studies the ascent chute, ignoring the discussion with unreasonable man.

OOC: in other words, I'm following, just not engaging


''The longer we sit here and discuss it, the less likely they are to be alive. I am still surprised that you were. If we are going to find them, we must go,'' Alma insists. ''Return down the mountain, as Jack said. You will only make it more difficult for us to succeed from here.''

After a beat she adds, sheepishly, ''Please.''

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