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D&D 4E Channelers of Io


Arcadian Knight
The dragon masters never felt as home in the D&D world as they do now.

The Dragon Master's in the world of D&D

There is an aspect in both Bahamut and Tiamat, when bound by law and love it is justice and when released in selfish whim it is vengeance. It is this primordial force that the Dragon Masters are named for and which they are bound to. They are their countries justiciars and by force of will and the mercy in their spirit they avoid insanity and uphold a very heroic archetype.

“This worlds dragons are not the same as mine, though it matters little as the Dragon within still roars with the same voice, for but a moment I make that voice mine and the ground itself trembles.”

Power Source:
As a Dragon master you were born with a mystical link to a force known as the Nemahg and more subtly to one you may have heard of as the unicorn force. You are a champion of justice wielding primordial forces through trained will and discipline in the name of law and good, fighting the urge to do vengeance.

The Nemahg manifests in rages which fuel supernal physical actions like a barbarian berserk ... they are also channelled into wild damaging and dangerous elemental magics normally fire (though occasionally lightning or other chaotic elements). The unicorn force invocation of healing and freedom is less understood than the Nemahg, it is internalized and they cannot heal or free others (at least on purpose).

Different traditions have greater healing gifts, use other elements or are less "overwhelmed" by the Dragon.

Dragons Might Ritual
"He isn't bigger than I, in fact my hunt built muscles are quite singular in potence but...Closing his eyes holding on to the edge of the rock he sits perhaps as long as a minute or it feels like it to me, my the desperation has me sweating, when he finally moves it seems impossible but the boulder moves surely and steadily like under the influence of one of the magicks they must have used to build castles"

Feat Natural Chaining of the Dragons Might
"It is easier for some of us than others to draw on the dragons strength for some it is like their bodies ignore normal limits all the time. I'm not sure it is actually safe to allow the dragon to ride so high within you."

Cultural Cantrips Dragon Masters use fewer of Aurelias "normal" convenience magics but most will light fires or cool drinks or similar as barely considered everyday acts.

Sensibility lost in the Details - When engaged in extensive berserking some Dragon Masters get a sort of short term memory loss - the battle becomes unclear or at least the details do. This is sometimes used to explain how characters who manifest/profess very benign or nearly non-violent nature can nevertheless engage in battle in such a wholehearted fashion (some call it compartmentalization others less forgiving hypocrisy).

Responses from and to the World

To: When I arrived I found it convenient but odd that a language, considered artificial and constructed in my home was so basic here yes I speak what you call dragon but the rest of your worlds languages were something. I had to acquire.

From: If I were of a culture for whom magic had an odor I would say she reeks of it and bothers me rather distinctly. I study closer and can't quite distinguish divine or arcane and that makes matters worse... her astral shadow is spirit dragon in a pure sense of the word, it is primordial and aggressive I decide discretion is a friend and beat a hasty retreat.

From: His race seems almost Eldarin- ok way too human for that and I decide on half elf just to categorize him and for the moment I will just ignore his eyes. I can't even start to ignore the wasted power spilling off of him. He wears an amalgam of plate and scale armor of some noteworthy quality but not with great coverage, sure probably magical but as I said with the mystical energies congealing, I would have to be dwarven smith to be certain. The energies are weird like those of a priest or warlock.

To: We are the Justiciars of our homeland but I am disturbed by how greatly different we are from the one before me, his magic wraps his companions with arms of shining defense: he says it is his gods blessing, his smiles are confidence incarnate and I envy him, your "paladin" you said he is guided by the divine and strengthened by his faith in that force. I cannot, trust the power that wells up in me. It must bend to my will and I must take care that how I use it is righteous and fitting, If I understand this rightly I must be like unto Bahamut himself; ever vigilant lest I become the madness that is Tiamat. Its strength both feeds me and tears at my sanity but even that is something I can use as long as my discipline holds true, its strength is mine and I am not nor ever will be its servant.

We call it Nemahg or the Dragon. When the fire rears up inside my soul - when I allow it to rise and or find its rage overwhelming it is this force that I wield and am influenced by... Yet there's another force in me, one more subtle which heals me and my kind to the point of bringing us back from all but the most horrendous of injury of mind or body. It will not allow our spirit or minds to be subjugated it is pure health and freedom… a true healer of my world called it the unicorn force and said we should be healers or would be if not for this "other" .

Point in fact she said human discipline couldn't possibly be enough for what you are bound to and without the Unicorn force your souls would be sundered, I burst out telling her “without our humanity there would be nothing to direct the dragon and no route for the unicorn force to heal and this made us more fundamental than either and that for all intents and purposes our natures and will made them our servants not our masters”... she seemed rather taken aback by my audacity - note she might be hundreds of years my elder perhaps as old as my teacher. "Dragon lords are not entirely untouched by Aurelian lack of humility I see." I turned and my teacher has a smile in his eyes though it touches nothing else of his features I found myself laughing and apologizing to the elven lady, who yet remained flustered. You see I was never taught me to repress our emotions, that would be a first or second generation Dragon Master,we are now taught that such suppression is only of transitory value and so should only be a transitory thing. I think that might have been the only time he has referred to me as a "Dragon Lord" and it was rather to chide me, we generally call each other gresan (it means brother/sister in dragon the other names are rather more what others deem us.

The craft of Dragon Mastery has evolved over time, perhaps someday we will seem like your Justiciar over there... though I suspect somewhat different.


His armor is etched with Dragons and very fancy but I can't imagine why he has left so much bare as nice as those bare bits are, the armor is thin too though its construction has a quality I have only seen in things of magic, so while at first I assumed it is more for show than protection where it does cover it forms to his body accentuating richness of muscle and at this point I decide my analysis had stretched to the point of rudeness and say something -- "Nice gear" it sounds gruff and simultaneously not as forward as i wanted but I hope friendly enough, he doesn't seem to notice my clumsiness, he smiles and returns a similar complement. "And yours suits you rather well". I hide neither my race nor do I spurn the styles of my heritage I revel in them and I realize at this point I am standing closer than I even let my sworn allies get and he smells almost sweet. He caresses one of my horns a very natural and intimate gesture .. a fantastic first touch and says "you are fascinating... I am sorry if I pay undue attention to differences that are overlooked by others, but my world has nothing like you."

Dragon Masters are spirited individuals, generally handsome and often charismatic at least to those not bothered by their auras...

Point in fact out of battle their aura makes normal mundane folk nervous and while it would enhance acts of intimidation in that context Dragon Masters are inclined to use it thus only rarely. Their aura is something like raw streaming power more primal than divine and for the heroic it has less negative impact..except perhaps when facing them in battle.

Significant enemies see them as too dangerous not to try any way while lesser enemies are likely to flee (sometimes in droves). They surge across the battle with bursts of speed and strength. They are capable of some ranged battle stunts (primarily pyromantic)...but many do so infrequently(perhaps because they don’t like the collateral damage?).

Other Elements

They are generally trained in a single large weapon traditionally a sword and usually of elaborate design which are typically inflamed by the dragon masters pyromancy weapons used this way are known to wear out and break altogether too frequently. The justiciars gentle hand - They are also trained in an unarmed martial art intended to throw, subdue and restrain opponents, this is a vestigial feature from a more forgiving age.

Religion - like the culture from which they spring they are technically non religious in spite of this transported to the world of D&D when confronted by the existence of Bahamut and Tiamat perhaps through an encounter with a paladin or priest most become open advocates and "virtual" followers of Bahamut, presented with the worlds cosmology realizing that the Nemahg is at minimum a primal aspect of Io.



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Arcadian Knight
When I first pick up any rpg I admit I start thinking how to build one of the archetypes from my earliest gaming days. The Dragon Masters of Eya.

And with 4e I debated a lot should I build a class or a race or what? I found I could do either or ironically neither because I knew what Dragon Masters were at a fundamental level and they were a flexible enough concept that their flavor could be adapted on to many sets of mechanics. In fact trying to build a race I ended up conceiving various sub-races to represent different relationships with their power source and making them suitable as a basis for many re-flavorable classes.
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Staff member
[h=2]The dragon masters never felt as home in the D&D world as they do now.

The Dragon Master's in the world of D&D[/h]There is an aspect in both Bahamut and Tiamat, when bound by law and love it is justice and when released in selfish whim it is vengeance. It is this primordial force that the Dragon Masters are named for and which they are bound to. They are their countries justiciars and by force of will and the mercy in their spirit they avoid insanity and uphold a very heroic archetype.

“This worlds dragons are not the same as mine, though it matters little as the Dragon within still roars with the same voice, for but a moment I make that voice mine and the ground itself trembles.”

Power Source:
As a Dragon master you were born with a mystical link to a force known as the Nemahg and more subtly to one you may have heard of as the unicorn force. You are a champion of justice wielding primordial forces through trained will and discipline in the name of law and good, fighting the urge to do vengeance.

The Nemahg manifests in rages which fuel supernal physical actions like a barbarian berserk ... they are also channelled into wild damaging and dangerous elemental magics normally fire (though
occasionally lightning or other chaotic elements). The unicorn force invocation of healing and freedom is less understood than the Nemahg, it is internalized and they cannot heal or free others (at least on purpose).

Different traditions have greater healing gifts, use other elements or are less "overwhelmed" by the Dragon.

Dragons Might Ritual
"He isn't bigger than I, in fact my hunt built muscles are quite singular in potence but...Closing his eyes holding on to the edge of the rock he sits perhaps as long as a minute or it feels like it to me, my the desperation has me sweating, when he finally moves it seems impossible but the boulder moves surely and steadily like under the influence of one of the magicks they must have used to build castles"

Feat Natural Chaining of the Dragons Might
"It is easier for some of us than others to draw on the dragons strength for some it is like their bodies ignore normal limits all the time. I'm not sure it is actually safe to allow the dragon to ride so high
within you."

Cultural Cantrips Dragon Masters use fewer of Aurelias "normal" convenience magics but most will light fires or cool drinks or similar as barely considered everyday acts.

Sensibility lost in the Details - When engaged in extensive berserking some Dragon Masters get a sort of short term memory loss - the battle becomes unclear or at least the details do. This is sometimes used to explain how characters who manifest/profess very benign or nearly non-violent nature can nevertheless engage in battle in such a wholehearted fashion (some call it compartmentalization others less forgiving hypocrisy).
[h=3]Responses from and to the World[/h]
To: When I arrived I found it convenient but odd that a language, considered artificial and constructed in my home was so basic here yes I speak what you call dragon but the rest of your worlds languages were something. I had to acquire.

From: If I were of a culture for whom magic had an odor I would say she reeks of it and bothers me rather distinctly. I study closer and can't quite distinguish divine or arcane and that makes matters worse... her astral shadow is spirit dragon in a pure sense of the word, it is primordial and aggressive I decide discretion is a friend and beat a hasty retreat.

From: His race seems almost Eldarin- ok way too human for that and I decide on half elf just to categorize him and for the moment I will just ignore his eyes. I can't even start to ignore the wasted power spilling off of him. He wears an amalgam of plate and scale armor of some noteworthy quality but not with great coverage, sure probably magical but as I said ...with the mystical energies congealing. I would have to be dwarven smith to be certain. The energies are weird like those of a priest or warlock.

To: We are the Justiciars of our homeland but I am disturbed by how greatly different
we are from the one before me, his magic wraps his companions with arms of shining defense: he says it is his gods blessing, his smiles are confidence incarnate and I envy him, your "paladin" you said he is guided by the divine and strengthened by his faith in that force. I cannot, trust the power that wells up in me. It must bend to my will and I must take care that how I use it is righteous and fitting, If I understand this rightly I must be like unto Bahamut himself; ever vigilant lest I become the madness that is Tiamat. Its strength both feeds me and tears at my sanity but even that is something I can use as long as my discipline holds true, its strength is mine and I am not nor ever will be its servant.

We call it Nemahg or the Dragon. When the fire rears up inside my soul - when I allow it to rise and or find its rage overwhelming it is this force that I wield and am influenced by... Yet there's another force in me, one more subtle which heals me and my kind to the point of bringing us back from all but the most horrendous of injury of mind or body. It will not allow our spirit or minds to be subjugated it is pure health and freedom… a true healer of my world called it the unicorn force and said we should be healers or would be if not for this "other" .

Point in fact she said human discipline couldn't possibly be enough for what you are bound to and without the Unicorn force your souls would be sundered, I burst out telling her “without our humanity there would be nothing to direct the dragon and no route for the unicorn force to heal and this made us more fundamental than either and that for all intents and purposes our natures and will made them our servants not our masters”... she seemed rather taken aback by my audacity - note she might be hundreds of years my elder perhaps as old as my teacher. "Dragon lords are not entirely untouched by Aurelian lack of humility I see." I turned and my teacher has a smile in his eyes though it touches nothing else of his features I found myself laughing and apologizing to the elven lady, who yet remained flustered. You see I was never taught me to repress our emotions, that would be a first or second generation Dragon Master,we are now taught that such suppression is only of transitory value and so should only be a transitory thing.

The craft of Dragon Mastery has evolved over time, perhaps someday we will seem like
your justiciar over there... though I suspect somewhat different.

His armor is etched with Dragons and very fancy but I can't imagine why he has left so much bare as nice as those bare bits are, the armor is thin too though its construction has a quality I have only seen in things of magic, so while at first I assumed it is more for show than protection where it does cover it forms to his body accentuating richness of muscle and at this point I decide my analysis had stretched to the point of rudeness and say something -- "Nice gear" it sounds gruff and simultaneously not as forward as i wanted but I hope friendly enough, he doesn't seem to notice my clumsiness, he smiles and returns a similar complement. "And yours suits you rather well". I hide neither my race nor do I spurn the styles of my heritage I revel in them and I realize at this point I am standing closer than I even let my sworn allies get and he smells almost sweet. He caresses one of my horns a very natural and intimate gesture .. a fantastic first touch and says "you are fascinating... I am sorry if I pay undue attention to differences that are overlooked by others, but my world has nothing like you."

Dragon Masters are spirited individuals, generally handsome and often charismatic at least to those not bothered by their auras...

Point in fact out of battle their aura makes normal mundane folk nervous and while it would enhance acts of intimidation in that context Dragon Masters are inclined to use it thus only rarely. Their aura is something like raw streaming power more primal than divine and for the heroic it has less negative impact..except perhaps when facing them in battle.

Significant enemies see them as too dangerous not to try any way while lesser enemies are likely to flee (sometimes in droves). They surge across the battle with bursts of speed and strength. They are capable of some ranged battle stunts (primarily pyromantic)...but many do so infrequently(perhaps because they don’t like the collateral damage?).

[h=3]Other Elements [/h]They are generally trained in a single large weapon traditionally a sword and usually of elaborate design which are typically inflamed by the dragon masters pyromancy weapons used this way are known to wear out and break altogether too frequently. The justiciars gentle hand - They are also trained in an unarmed martial art intended to throw, subdue and restrain opponents, this is a vestigial feature from a more forgiving age.

Religion - like the culture from which they spring they are technically non religious in spite of this transported to the world of D&D when confronted by the existence of Bahamut and Tiamat perhaps through an encounter with a paladin or priest... most become open advocates and "virtual" followers of Bahamut, presented with the worlds cosmology realizing that the Nemahg is at minimum a primal aspect of Io.

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Arcadian Knight
This is a totally new concept for me!


The IO/Bahamut/Tiamat story seemed a perfect fit for the Dragon Masters/Channelers of the Nemahg/Aurelian Sensitives, although definitely not identical, In their world the hero who bound the Nemahg was known as mercy and these people have traits of the spirit in common the Nemahg seeks them out whether they or it like it or not because mercy died when Justices purpose was fulfilled in defeating his fellow darknesses but the bond was too perfect and death could not stop it. In effect it could be seen as hunting for its other half so when he reincarnates it will be whole.

I like presenting in character pov for the gameworld richness and it can make things flexible right away, I will probably do it on my Martial Power III with first person descriptions of Practices and races and similar things. Might even include a full write up for the Dragon Master race / subraces - though they are not entirely on theme ;)

Pretty cool!

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