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[IC] Shamutani Hills - psi/gng


Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

Leaving the sheep to find their own way home Bendyn will start moving around the farmstead trying to gage the strenght of the inhabitants. He will motion Casparan to follow.

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November 13, in the vicinity of the farm

You throw your mounts reins over convinient branch and move off.

The sheep trot down the path, out of the woods and through the fields that surround the farm. They are about half way across when you hear a dog bark. It barks once or twice more.

ooc: are you moving towards tha farm, (following the path or going through the fields) or are you skirting around the farm at this point?


Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

Bendyn would prefer to skirt around for now until we get a better idea of how many able warriors are here.


november 13, around the farm.

The farm is still except for the sheep, which trot into the center of the farm where they mill around stupidly. A minute later you see a shadow detach itself from the the darkness beside the main building and move to the door. After a moment the door cracks open and there appears to be a whispered conversation. A short while later, another figure appears from the house and rounds up the sheep. It hurries them towards another building and inside. The figure, a boy or woman judging by the size, returns to the main house after a few words with the first figure. This time you can make him, for it appears to be a man, out more clearly, probably carrying a crossbow. He is motionless for a while. You get the feeling that he is staring at the forest in which you currrently crouch. But after some time, he retreats back into the shadows around the main building.

Stillness falls over the farm once more.

The farm is nestled towards the northern end of a fairly large clearing. The main building is also at the northern end. So you decide to go north and around the farm that way. About 20 minutes puts you north of the main building. The forest is only about 100 or so feet from the most northern building, a small house perhaps. The main building is about another 50 feet further. You spot one more possible defender, down at the south end of the farm. And at least one dog, although you think you heard two barking earlier. There is no sign of life in any of the buildings except the main one, and the one into which the sheep were herded. A barn of some sort most likely. You hear a cow mooing occasionally.

ooc: I'll try and get a rough map up asap. Could you add skill check bonuses, etc to the bottom of the posts, it really helps speed things up at this end. Thanks.


Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

Bendyn whispers to Casparan, "What do you think? Two guards plus the dogs. Could be risky. Do you think we could take out the guards one at a time with missiles and Psionics? We have our departed companion's crossbow."

OOC: Spot +6, Listen +4, Hide and move silently are -2 due to armor, we'll be going very slowly taking 20 to Hide and move silently. Any other stats you want posted?


ooc: I assumed you would be taking it fairly slowly, hence the 20 minutes.

Don't need anything else right now. Just as they come up. If your not sure if its needed, just put it up. Sometimes you see things I don't.


november 13, the bandit farm

From back where you left the ponies, Bendyn thinks he hears soft whinny.

ooc: The map. Red B = Bendyn. Red C Casparan. The hioses are about 30-40 feet beyond the treeline along the path. B = Barn. H = Hall or main building from which you can see a little light. Red X's are the guards. The stream is just that; you could jump, wade it easily enough.


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Spot, listen, move Silently are all +6, Hide is +1

Casparan surveys the farmstead cautiously. "Let us circle around to the southwest and approach throught the fileds there," he suggests. "Come up behind the southernmost guard."

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