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[IC] Shamutani Hills - psi/gng


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"Indeed, " says Eric agreeably. "I shall need but a moments pause before battle and I shall make myself into a much distracting target for the beast."

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doghead said:
"Your horses will be well cared for," promises Roak. "I will personally see to it myself. Ash and Witt will go with you to show you the way." Roak motions towards a man and a woman standing nearby. They each carry a shortbow and have an axe at the belt and have the look of people who spend a reasonable amount of time in the forest. Trappers probably in these woods.

doghead said:
ooc: The way I see it is that the ponies are not a trained war animals. At the first sign of a bear a pony, being an eminantly sensible animal, would bolt in the other direction. It would take a skilled rider to make them approach one. Ash and Witt will be against taking mounts - you never know when the bear might show up. They will also strongly insist that you agree to leave it behind when you get close to the cave. (ie: here.) Let me know if you do choose to ride.

OOC: Did we bring our horses? I thought we were leaving them at the village.

"Perhaps," Casparan says. "Or if you prefer, I could scout ahead with one of the guides. The warriors of Telak are quite capable of moving swiftly and silently when the need arises (Move SIlent, Spot, and Listen all at +6)."

GM Only:
Casparan is a stranger to this land, and not familiar with its customs and mores, so he does not say anything to the others, but he does not entirely trust their guides and will be keeping a wary eye on them.


November 12, on the way to the bear cave.

ooc: Sado - noted.

At Casparen's offer Ash and Witt look at each other. Ash shrugs. Witt nods. "Can you take the left flank? 5 yards back and 10 yards out? Ash, can you take the lead? I'll take the right."

Witt turns to the others. "Are you all ready?"

*assuming that you are*

Ash leads you down a gentle slope. You move a little more slowly now as the three up front work to keep the noise to a minimum. About ten minutes later they swing up a small rise that brings you to the top of a small drop, at the bottom of which gurgles a small stream.

"The cave is over there," Witt says quietly after you all gather beside him. He points slightly east of north. "About 40, 45 yards." You can't see much more than a dark patch against the side of the hill, but Witt assures you that that is it. There is a slight slope leading up from the stream. The area in front of the cave appears a little less treed than elsewhere, but only marginally. There are some small bushes and obstructions on the forest floor, but nothing big enough to block passage.

"You will need to go back down and work around to your left to cross the stream."


  • map_bear_cave.gif
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Bendyn Fighter/Psion

"Witt, how deep is the cave? Will we be able to see or do we need a light source?" Bendyn looks over the terrain. "Should we pause when we get across the stream to bring our powers into play, then head for the cave?"


Witt of Tabotty.

"Ah, not so deep I think. Mebee 20 or 30 feet. It seems popular with bears, so we generally keep clear of it. Everyone says that warm air comes out from back, but I wouldn't know about that myself.

"To be honest, I don't think you will have to worry about going in after bear, it seems more than happy to come out after you."

Witt looks a little nonplused at the second question. She turns and looks over her shoulder, assuming that the question must be directed at one of your companions, for she knows nothing of 'powers'.


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"It may be more prudent to prepare ourselves fully before crossing the stream.. at such a short distance we must be fully prepared for an attack at any time."


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Casparan will ready his mind blade (imbued with psychic strike +1D8 damage) after they cross the stream. He falls in behind the others.


Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

Bendyn will take the front rank. He is psionically focused and pauses at the stream to clear his mind. He has sword and shield in hand.

OOC: Activate Precognitive Defense and Precognition Offensive +1 AC, saves and to attacks. 2 min duration each.
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First Post
Before Eric crosses the river he will focus himself and manifest Expansion (augmented to 10 min/level), Metaphysical Weapon and Offensive Precognition.

OOC: The former lasts 30 mins, the latter 2 last 3 mins each. Net effect +2 str, -2 dex, -2 defense, +4 soak, +1 attack, +6 damage, -1 reflex, 10ft reach, 5 pp spent.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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