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Recent content by Zephyrus

  1. Zephyrus

    Morrus on... Races

    I agree heartily with you. Race should either be a Major aspect of the character with significant mechanical influence or handled through interpretation of fluff etc. Personally I think something akin to how the current 4E hybrid class options would be a useful concept. Part of your character...
  2. Zephyrus

    Pre-Release Review of The Shadowfell: Gloomwrought and Beyond by WotC

    You commented on the 'Flimsy Box'. Are they in the similar style as how the Famine in Fargo and Legion of Gold packaging was done?
  3. Zephyrus

    Essentials Dice Set vs. Premium Dice = WTF?

    Yes. both sets came with 4d6. the color sceme appears the same however. the essential set does not have the deca-D10 but the the essential set on the D10 it says 10 instead of 0.
  4. Zephyrus

    My FLGS sold me the Red Box early.

    Same here in San Antonio! no Red Box yet.
  5. Zephyrus

    My FLGS sold me the Red Box early.

    Same here in San Antonio!
  6. Zephyrus

    "...may use this instead of a basic melee attack"

    Thank you for the replies and it appears while its possible to interpet otherwise the rules appear to favor that Yes to both (get the benefit of feats that trip off charge etc.. and also gain an additional +1 bonus to whatever attack power is used in place of the basic melee). Thank You.
  7. Zephyrus

    "...may use this instead of a basic melee attack"

    Martial Power introduced a lot more of these type powers and I'm wondering exactly what kind of interaction those powers that allow you to substitute a power in place of a basic melee when you charge especially interact with feats and other abilities that trip off a charge. For example Rhino...
  8. Zephyrus

    Using Quasi-minions

    Borrowing somewhat on eleventh's idea about giving them extra HP's. simple empower them (via GM created ritual or similar) that grants them temporary HP's thus giving them like +10 HP. at 3rd level this is 2-hit kills even on bad rolls, 1 hit kills by strikers and no auto-kill due from powers...
  9. Zephyrus

    Our First Game -- What some non-RPG fans Learned that they want to share!

    I very much like the idea of a game-mat though doubt I'd ever get the chance to really use one but who knows. One of the things though that I've seen in a number of the play mats that I think could be useful is that anywhere a token(s) are used, I'd suggest that those area's, especially the...
  10. Zephyrus

    [4e] Metallic Dragons

    Dragon Origins Their is a artcle up now about dragon origins and the (as much as I am disapointed by the idea) they dont have gem dragons.. the 5 families are Metalics, Chromatics, Planer, Scourge and Disaster Dragons. They said the Scourge Dragons were like the Linnorms of old ed. The Disaster...
  11. Zephyrus

    D&D 4E New 4e DM in need of help!

    Yes, with 3 Dragonborn and a Wizard, minions dont stand a chance. A fair alternative would be to either insure their is an incite faith on any horde of minions you use or use lower level monsters in place of minions. For example if you have 4 minions use 2 level 1 skirmishers or artillarys in...
  12. Zephyrus

    Barbarian is up!!!

    For the record I generally liked the class as is, however the strong debate creates an atmosphere that some change is prudent. I like in general a lot of what the class attempts to accomplish thematically so here are my proposed changes. I feel the following might go a long ways towards...
  13. Zephyrus

    Familiar Ritual and Feats

    Okay, i've done some work and would like to propose the following (see attachment). I made it a level 2 Ritual but if its considered too powerful it could be raised to level 3 (their are not many level 3 rituals at present anyways). I tried to add in a lot of flexibility's and potential flavor...
  14. Zephyrus

    Familiar Ritual and Feats

    The Familiar Ritual should 'Do' Something for the character other than indicate that "I've got a familiar". granting perception check bonuses is one thing, perhaps simple allowing the user to roll perception checks twice and take the better of the two. Additionally you could allow the familiar...
  15. Zephyrus

    Magical items from KotS useless for the Pregen party?

    Thats basically kind of what I did. The party had gone back to town and only had about 300-400g each and had them tell me what they were interested in. Granted the money was only enough for a basic +1 weapon, implement or armor or maybe a potion but I had them tell me and then I made some...