• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by wighair

  1. wighair

    What is your favorite RPG book of all time?

    i came to write exactly this. i still love those pictures - the vampire and the ghoul especially, and the secret of castronegro is probably my most run scenario. i even remember you could cut out a page in the back to request a free scenario - the bleeding stone of iphtah - which i did.
  2. wighair

    Starting Magic Items for high level characters

    Cheers. Knew I'd seen it somewhere but couldn't find it. Ta.
  3. wighair

    Starting Magic Items for high level characters

    Are there any guidelines for this anywhere? Cheers.
  4. wighair

    Bag of tricks bag of trick bag of tricks yesss.

    Can the creature act as soon as it is summoned?
  5. wighair

    wizard in plate armor?

    thanks for the answers people. much appreciated.
  6. wighair

    Feywild - any details?

    Are there any details available anywhere re. Feywild? I can't seem to find anything except a few vague references to "mirroring the real world" and "all creatures embued with a measure of fantastic power" (p161 dmg). Am i missing it or is it not out yet? Unless i find something to the contrary...
  7. wighair

    wizard in plate armor?

    Hi, am i right to think if a wizard wears plate armour the only negative effect will be a -2 penalty on attack/reflex rolls? And to avoid this he would have to take the 5 armour prof feats to get up to plate?
  8. wighair

    Wiki Wiki Wiki

    My cookies too were consumed from the main page link. ;-(
  9. wighair

    D&D 4E 4E PrRC ~v2.7~ FINAL UPDATE May 29.08

    Is this mirrored anywhere? - the site seems to have died a death.
  10. wighair

    Need help with a plot hook! Port Watervale players stay out!

    Perhaps his bang on the head - low wisdom - is not the real truth, only what he believes. His true memories start to return as the adventure progresses and the reason for his high reward becomes apparent. Some evil (or perhaps good - for another twist) mage/cleric/devil/angel modified his memory...
  11. wighair

    How many of your English pounds for Giants of Legend?

    You forgot the mandatory groat reference! ;-)
  12. wighair

    How many of your English pounds for Giants of Legend?

    I went to my FLGS to get GoL miniatures, but was somewhat gobsmacked by the price of £15. This compares to £7.50 for the previous sets. This seems way over the top to me. I've checked some US prices and they seem to be $13 for previous sets and $20 for the GoL. whatever the rate of exchange...
  13. wighair

    Alternate Magic Rules

    simple ones.... You could bump the level of all spells up a level. Give everyone automatic bonuses to saving throws Give everyone automatic bonuses to Spell resistance always require concentration rolls & Give everyone automatic penalties to concentration rolls
  14. wighair

    Why no Quickened spontanious spells?

    A small copper coin falls someplace dark... Gotcha! Thanks people.