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Recent content by Wasteland Knight

  1. Wasteland Knight

    The new OGL 1.2, What is Victory?

    In my personal experience, in the past 35ish years the barrier to new, innovative gaming experiences has never been finding new innovative products, but rather, finding players who want to engage with a game that isn’t the same old thing. Particularly when it came to a different rules set...
  2. Wasteland Knight

    The new OGL 1.2, What is Victory?

    And clearly restrictive licenses enacted in bad faith are the way to encourage free ideas and creativity.
  3. Wasteland Knight

    The new OGL 1.2, What is Victory?

    Just because the average player lacks principles doesn’t mean @estar should give up on his.
  4. Wasteland Knight

    Statement on OGL from WotC

    Has WOTC said anything beyond “well make a statement”?
  5. Wasteland Knight

    Statement on OGL from WotC

    Who did they lose?
  6. Wasteland Knight

    Savage Pathfinder Check Out How Savage Pathfinder Makes A Wizard!

    I doubt it. The play experience from PF2E vs. SW is going to be very different. I don't think you'll see a major shift of players leaving PF for SW.
  7. Wasteland Knight

    Pathfinder 1E I need help spending 2 million gold

    There’s going to be a campaign plot twist coming.
  8. Wasteland Knight

    Pathfinder 1E Sudden Onset Death

    Aegis of Recovery could be of help. But the concept of berserker who finish’s the last for snd then drops dead of their rounds because their body was (briefly) continuing to fight past death is a critical part of the barbarian. It’s a feature, not a bug. Not a class that works well with a...
  9. Wasteland Knight

    Good fantasy reads?

    I'll second that. I have enjoyed the various fantasy titles of RW Krpoun, but the Phantom Badgers series is my favorite.
  10. Wasteland Knight

    D&D General Most common NPC/sidekick for a party

    I mix it up. Different campaigns and parties end up with different NPC sidekicks. I like the designation of long term NPCs as "sidekicks". As much as I thoroughly despise the "DMPC" (and will never have one in any game I run, nor would I play in any game where such a thing was being run)...
  11. Wasteland Knight

    Why players misbehave (from a teacher's perspective)

    The bolded part is incredibly important. Playing at any particular table should be considered a privilege, not a right.
  12. Wasteland Knight

    Why players misbehave (from a teacher's perspective)

    Not true in my experience. I only play with adults who act like mature, responsible adults. Expectations are clearly communicated, differences of opinion are respectfully voiced/heard, snd in the very rare event of a real disagreement, it can usually be handled in private. Any player who...
  13. Wasteland Knight

    D&D 5E It's official, WOTC hates Rangers (Tasha's version of Favored Foe is GARBAGE)

    Considering most campaigns start at low level and also considering most campaigns don't actually make it to high level, walking around in the wilderness is a vastly more likely scenario then teleportation. Unless playing in a game where reliable teleportation is easily available to low level...
  14. Wasteland Knight

    D&D 5E As a Player, why do you play in games you haven't bought into?

    Your problem is your players. Find better players. They are out there.