• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Warunsun

  1. Warunsun

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Have you tried using the main ODS format from LibreOffice? I have tried to load the sheet using LibreOffice Version: It does load and kind of works but with visual issues like you noted. I see the Elemental Evil skin comes up by default even when it isn't saved that way in the file. I...
  2. Warunsun

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    I am a big fan of ForgedAnvil's sheet and use it for all my characters. However, I also use other sheets in tandem. For the Battlemaster I recommend filling out Joshua Fredrickson's Battlemaster Fighter Character Reference Sheet here at EnWorld. For some of my spellcasters I also use...
  3. Warunsun

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    I just used the transfer tool on two characters and neither carried over the spells. Otherwise seemed to work fine. Love the new option to hide duplicated details.
  4. Warunsun

    D&D 4E Q about designing a 4e-style Companion

    Ever since Dungeon Mastering the 4th edition game I have handed companion characters to the group to run. I typically didn't have them go on every adventure. I learned this trick from Savage Worlds RPG. You have plenty to do as a DM already so that RPG suggested it. It may have seemed like...
  5. Warunsun

    D&D 5E Encumbrance

    This is exactly how I have done it. I have them totally everything up including their armor weight but subtract it off again before considering encumbrance. The funny thing is during the campaign the only character that reported to a dungeon heavily encumbered was the party dwarf. He was...
  6. Warunsun

    D&D 5E Encumbrance

    Actually, it can be a nightmare. LOL. When my gamers started playing Castles & Crusades we tried their Equipment Value system. At first blush it seems reasonable to read. However, in implementation it was a nightmare. We stuck with it for a while and eventually I had to implement a system...
  7. Warunsun

    D&D 5E Encumbrance

    Yes. Further, using Variant encumbrance encourages the player to dump items out of their background gear they would never need for their play-style.
  8. Warunsun


    I am guessing that the Elemental Evil Player's Companion will be a separate pack and will be very cheap.
  9. Warunsun

    D&D 5E Attunement

    I would never have came up with attunement on my own. However, I like it a lot as a DM and don't see myself ditching it. It allows a DM to give out a few more items yet still have a control on the big ticket ones. Each PC can have three awesome items. Very reasonable I think. At the Epic tier...
  10. Warunsun


    The first 5E game in my group of gamers is being ran by myself and we started a World of Greyhawk campaign and I passed on the entire Tyranny of Dragons series. Instead I wrote some original introductory games plus I converted the Saltmarsh series to 5E. I had a print copy of U1 and I bought the...
  11. Warunsun

    D&D 5E D&D Spellbook Cards are Back

    I am not sure but version 2 means all the important corrections have been made. There may have been a squared card printing before the rounded card one but honestly that doesn't matter. Version 2 means concentration notations and missing cards are in.
  12. Warunsun

    D&D 5E D&D Spellbook Cards are Back

    Version 2 All of my version 2 cards have the rounded corners and updated concentration notation and the missing cards in the Arcane and Paladin decks.
  13. SpellBookCardsVersion2.jpg


  14. Warunsun

    D&D 5E Converting Psionics to 5e?

    I would recommend this hosted here on EnWorld as a quick solution. Eventually, we may see official Psionics in an adventure path down the road. Perhaps one with Mind Flayers or one set on Dark Sun World. I keep hoping anyway.
  15. Warunsun

    D&D 5E D&D Spellbook Cards are Back

    I know this was a just in jest but really D&D is less collectable now than ever. The fewest D&D products for a line perhaps ever!