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Recent content by WarlockLord

  1. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E Fixing the Fighter

    Hey Tovec, there's a good reason your Supernatural example doesn't work (at least what you've told us). A couple, in fact. 1) Most D&D land monsters don't have the loopholes found in Supernatural. And while you could make an argument that that would be good for the game, there's problem #2...
  2. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E Fixing the Fighter

    I'm gonna weigh in on the fiat issue, and say that any mechanic that involves me haggling with the DM in combat is not good for the game. This is why, for instance, D&D Next's skill system is terrible - it encourages arguing with the DM that you can use your religious lore to open a lock...
  3. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E Fixing the Fighter

    Care to explain this comment? I play quite a bit and have a blast. I just don't play fighters.
  4. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E Fixing the Fighter

    Here's the problem as I see it. Feel free to send all kinds of nasty and threatening emails/PMs. The fighter is mundane. The wizard is magic. Magic > mundane. Is this the way it should be? No, but it's the way it is commonly perceived. And the fighter needs to stop being a mundane. Over...
  5. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E Lvl 14 rogue vs. (lvl 14) red dragon

    Can I ask some of the posters here a few questions about their responses to this scenario? Why does the halfling need to be nerfed, exactly? Is there something wrong with the idea that a mythic hero is strong enough to blast through dragonhide with a sling? Would people be objecting as much...
  6. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E Lvl 14 rogue vs. (lvl 14) red dragon

    Can I ask some of the posters here a few questions about their responses to this scenario? Why does the halfling need to be nerfed, exactly? Is there something wrong with the idea that a mythic hero is strong enough to blast through dragonhide with a sling? Would people be objecting as much...
  7. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E So I'm calling it.

    I think I can safely state that D&D Next is going to fail. The mechanics aren't interesting or well-designed, there are no new and innovative features, the fluff is terrible, they're prioritizing "feel" over working mechanics, and it seems the development team has no real direction. There's no...
  8. WarlockLord

    So that's it for 4th edition I guess?

    It's dead. Judging from the desperation of the 5e playtest and the lack of interest shown by the non EnWorld community, 5e is probably dead too.
  9. WarlockLord

    Favorite Mage build

    The Evilcaster. You are a focused abyssal specialist wizard from Drow of the Underdark. You have the alternative class feature from Dragon 357 that makes all your spells evil spells. You then stack all the feats that improve evil spells: Spell Focus: Evil, Greater Spell Focus: Evil, Malign...
  10. WarlockLord

    Uniting the Editions: How well did this playtest packet do?

    Your poll is flawed. As a 3e fan, I don't really like 5e due to it not actually having skill rules other than "argue with the DM," poor monster design (so how does that drow longsword work in the hands of PCs again - does it even drop it?), general whiffling, and a sense not really of...
  11. WarlockLord

    Character Creation Now Supported: Let's Make Some Characters!

    High Elf (refluffed to drow) Sage Necromancer wizard, focusing on enchantment and necromancy. Then I win the game.
  12. WarlockLord

    D&D 5E [D&D Next] Second Packet - initial impressions

    Damage went up and HP went down. I think this is to get rid of padded sumo 4e wars. Anyway, mortals, look upon your GOD the wizard and despair, for the terrible and mighty wizard shall use his spells to end combat whilst the fighter...pushes people around. He shall avoid the attacks of the...
  13. WarlockLord

    Mustrum's Mythical Fighter Techniques

    Might as well throw incantatrix persist into the mix. So the dragon and the vampire don't get to cast spells at the wizard because, you know, he's persisting all this crap. 24 hour displacement makes up for a lot... Or he could just cast before the fight. Like before he enters the room, or...
  14. WarlockLord

    Mustrum's Mythical Fighter Techniques

    Wizard has protection from evil. He doesn't need to make the save because he's immune. And there's nothing to stop the vampire wizard from spacing the party...but doesn't that kinda prove that wizards>everyone? Also, the wizard is far less likely TO get hit because he has actual, real...
  15. WarlockLord

    Mustrum's Mythical Fighter Techniques

    Well, let's see now... Wizards can cast teleport. So he can go home. If the wizard wins the charisma check against the efreet, he can make the efreeti do whatever the hell he wants to. So if he cast's eagle's splendor that's +2 right there. Heroism for another +2. +4 to his charisma roll...