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Recent content by Uller

  1. Uller

    D&D 5E Sticking with D&D?

    I have been playing D&D since ~1980. I will continue to play "D&D" but probably will not be purchasing any WotC books again. This isn't because of the OGL controversy (though that certainly didn't help). D&D is more than just WotC products. Yes, they own the trademark but it is sort of like...
  2. Uller

    Going Nuclear:1D&D

    I have been away from the boards for a long time and came back just to see what folks are saying. I have already stopped buying WotC products so there isn't much I can do to change that now. This "leak" was likely a trial balloon and they decide the feedback is too negative they will pull a...
  3. Uller

    D&D General Haunted Doll help

    I got the idea for a "haunted doll" magic item from a list of weird magic items I found. It was in the possession of a sea hag my group just defeated. The haunted doll is described as allowing the possessor to return to life in 1d4 days (or something like that) but it has grown in the minds...
  4. Uller

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    I live in Central Pennsylvania. It is sold out here.
  5. Uller

    D&D 5E Super Deadly 5E?

    I have the monsters react realistically based on their nature, goals and what they know. Usually monsters are fighting to simply survive the onslaught of murder hobos. So they will attack a PC until it is no longer a clear threat and then will attack the next threat they believe they can harm...
  6. Uller

    D&D 5E How many short rests per long rest?

    I limit it to 3, but...(small but...sorry) I don't have them really require any time...if we have come out of initiative and the party is going to do some non-strenuous activity like loot the room or search for secret doors, PCs that want to heal or recharge short rest powers can. Also healing...
  7. Uller

    D&D 5E removing cantrips: what to give instead?

    What about just a limit rather than take them away completely. Instead of "cantrips known" you get to cast that many per long rest (or maybe even long or short rest?) but can cast any of them. I like the non-combat cantrips. They add flavor and interesting utility to casters. I don't like the...
  8. Uller

    D&D 5E Glyph of Warding

    Well, I guess that makes sense. Cost of a 3rd level spell and 200gp is pretty light for what would be essentially a consumable magic item. It seems like there would be better ways to prevent that, though. Maybe set a minimum size and weight? Limit what spells can be used to "harmful" spells...
  9. Uller

    D&D 5E Glyph of Warding

    Wow. I never realized that about the spell. So you can't cast the spell on a chest and then move the chest? So if the chest is in the dungeon below his tower, great. But if the wizard decides to leave and take the chest with him the GoW just stops working? Anyone know why? Was it like this...
  10. Uller

    D&D 5E Wall of Force

    By RAW, why would charm person pass but magic missile not? Both use the same wording for targetting creatures. If there is a physical barrier between the caster and the target the spell cannot work unless there is something in its description that specifically overrides this rule (full...
  11. Uller

    D&D 5E Wall of Force

    Maybe I missed it in the thread but did anyone look at the description of Dimension Door? The general rule is you must have a clear path to the target (line of effect) and be able to see the target. DD has specific rules that override this. So yes. You can teleport through wall of force by RAW.
  12. Uller

    D&D General Multiply Die?

    If you want to reduce die rolling and math, just roll 1 or 2 dice and add the result to half the max...so 10d10? 50+1d10. Gives the same average. Results are evenly distributed between 51 and 60. A lot of DMs do this. I think it was Chris Perkins who said he just rolls two or three dice...
  13. Uller

    D&D General Companies Cut Ties With Judges Guild After Owner's Racist Posts

    And to take your point a lottle further, freedom of association is right up there with freedom of speech. Implied in freedom of association is freedom to not associate...which is exactly what is happening here. I have seen no one in this thread defend the sentiments being discussed. That he...
  14. Uller

    D&D 5E Clerics Without Cantrips

    My solution with guidance if it gets spammed is just give the cleric player a big bright d4. They pass it around as desired and can say something RP likeif they want, or not. The players roll it with their roll. I am untroubled by it. 9 times out of 10 if I am allowing a check I WANT them...
  15. Uller

    D&D 5E Clerics Without Cantrips

    I wish they had not made any damaging cantrips or limited them to types that don't circumvent certain damage resistances or regeneration. Too often low level parties find ways around what should make a monster scary with a cantrip they can use without limit. I had a low level party meet a...