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Recent content by UHF

  1. U

    My groups first dragon encounter/adventure.

    Don't forget traps... Read up on "Tucker's Kobolds". [D&D] Tucker's Kobolds - Penny Arcade Forums
  2. U

    Pathfinder 1E Amethyst - Renaissance (Pathfinder) UPDATE

    A familiar question... Will you have Hero Lab support?
  3. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    I could easily argue the opposite. What you are describing implies that no evil society could possibly exist, hence... bad guys. In your world, they would never work in conjunction with one another. Working together for different goals is the very stuff of role playing. Any experienced...
  4. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    Naw.. He can kill JUST as well as the thief in combat. Channel SMITE is equivalent to a backstab. (A very holy activity for Norgorber I might add.) I'm playing Pathfinder not watching movies. The rules are clear. The symbol must be present. There are no verbal or somatic requirements. It...
  5. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    First: Many a thief\rogue has pilfered from the party. This is nothing new or unusual. In AD&D the richest guy in the party was the thief (well... mine anyways). Second: Robbing the party doesn't mean rooting through their packs. I usually quick grabbed stuff off the bodies or handed the...
  6. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    1) The players won't know. 2) No idea. As a player I'm not that evil or selfish. Likely, this guy is more like the thief of old. He'll steal from the group to get a ahead, and that is clearly in his interests. Norgorber loves killing, so again this guy will get to do some mass killing which...
  7. U

    Undead Armys

  8. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    Herobizkit: I got this from the 'Faiths Of Corruption'. "A faith in Norgorber is necessarily a private one. Because you protect your identity, you do not show off your faith." In my case, this guy will be around Good Folk. The less they know, the better off he'll be. Anyways, here's a rough...
  9. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    Hey, thanks. Hmmm... I like the sword idea. I was thinking of getting a Consecrated Sword for Pharisma... But I could go Norgorber so of course it would be hidden... and of course it would be covered in Pharisma or Calistra symbols. B-) (You can toss half a smite into a consecrated...
  10. U

    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    I think folks keep forgetting 4e's 3.5 OGL predecessor... its called Iron Heroes; Iron Heroes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It was also originally written by Mike Mearls. Players get 'lists' of feats that they grow as they go up in levels. This is much like 4e powers.
  11. U

    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    I switched to Pathfinder because the pre-made materials were so good. But I prefer 4e. It was just too much work to make my own adventures or update third party materials. I did run the Death In Freeport series in 4e and it played beautifully. So... Back to OGLing it all... Easy. But many...
  12. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    I was thinking about this a tad more... Dhampyr (Bestiary 2) Cleric of Norgorber (Trickery and Knowledge)... Stat bonuses work well.. skills not so much (Cloistered Cleric is tempting). Negative Energy Affinity heals him when he Channels, like he's sucking the life out of the living. (That's...
  13. U

    Undead Armys

    There is an excellent book by WOTC for 3.5 on Battlefield adventures in your campaign. If you want, its certainly a way to go. It discusses how to make the adventuring exciting, and how the goals can be integrated into the adventure. It may even offer some ideas on the types of activities you...
  14. U

    New Thief For The party - Cleric Of Norberger

    Thanks... I hadn't thought of either Oracle or Inquisitor, but they definitely have an appeal. Umm... I'm really just interested in the Channeling of clerics. There is definitely something fun about melting the enemy, preferably on mass. As for limited weapon lists... you get your god's...
  15. U

    What's your favorite edition of D&D (so far)?

    I've played since D&D. (I used to have the box with the chits.) I voted 1e... I think that what I liked was the simplicity of character creation. (I know... butt load of wierd rules.... just go with it.) I missed 3x, and came back for 4e. I am a 4e evangelist... but I've since moved on to...