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Recent content by Troll Lord

  1. Troll Lord

    Humble RPG Bundle: 5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors

    Greetings! The Humble RPG Bundle: 5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors is live on Humble Bundle. It is a massive haul worth upwards of $381 of fantasy gaming goodness for Fifth Edition. Get a library of maps, campaign guides, adventures, and other resources to support the Fifth Edition of everyone’s...
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  3. Troll Lord

    Bundle of Holding: Castles & Crusades!

    Greetings from the Dens! Once more Castles & Crusades . . . the no-holds-barred bare knuckle fantasy role playing game . . . is now on Bundle of Holding! You can scoop up the Players Handbook, Castle Keepers Guide, Arms and Armor and so much more! The sooner you commit the better it is, as the...
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    Bundle of Holding.jpg

  5. Troll Lord

    Chenault & Gray/Troll Lord Games teams up with Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.

    Little Rock, AR – April 18, 2017 – Michael Tierney’s Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 100 Year Art Chronology is a multi-volume collection that captures the vast illustrative history of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Chenault & Gray Publishing and ERB Inc. are working together to bring this project to life. In...
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    ERBACv2-Books-Cover small.jpg

  7. Troll Lord

    (Castles & Crusades) What Game Do you Play?

    Greetings from the Dens! There are a plethora of FRPGs on the market today. You’ve probably played several of them, if not a veritable host of them. You’ve hacked your way through the simple, and you’ve trudged your way through the complex. They all offer a little something, it's why you keep...
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    PH with Ksa.jpg

  9. Troll Lord

    Free Free Copy of C&C Adventure Under the Blood Red Moon on Kickstarter

    For those of you who may not know what Castles & Crusades is or how it plays, head over to our ongoing Kickstarter for a FREE download. Familiar with Castles & Crusades? Well get you copy anyway! Under the Blood Red Moon is an Open and Play book, meaning it has all you need to run a...
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    TLG 2016 FRPG Under the Blood Moon.jpg

  11. Troll Lord

    Final 5 Days! Familiars, Miniatures, Dragon Riders and More

    Greetings from the Dens! We have entered our last five days on the Familiars Kickstarter! We are very close to funding! We've added a Castles & Crusades version, miniatures from Ral Partha/Iron Wind, poster, and are angling for added content in the guise of Dragon Riders! All this and the...
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    Troll Lord Covesssss.jpg

  13. Troll Lord

    Kickstarter TLG's 5th Edition Kickstarter in Full Swing

    Greetings from the Dens! All those who tread the paths of the wild, who crawl through the lost dark, plunder treasures of the ancients, must surely find themselves alone and bereft of friends. It is in those moments, when in the cold and dangerous dark that you turn to those you most trust...
  14. Troll Lord

    5th Edition: Your Brothers In Arms (Familiars)

    Greetings from the Dens! As you may or may not be aware we are hard at work for a massive conversion for our Book of Familiars. The veteran game designer Jason Vey is hard at work even now (just told me there will be Tieflings and Dragonborn in the book). Its growing by the day. But we've put...