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Recent content by Torm

  1. Torm

    D&D General If you could put D&D into any other non middle ages genre, what would it be?

    When WOTC did the campaign world competition that Eberron won, I submitted "Vie Victus!", which was a 3.5E campaign world I had come up with that was sort of WWII meets the Flintstones (air travel and combat were done by equipping large flying creatures with weapons, passenger compartments, etc)...
  2. Torm

    RPG Systems with no DM/GM/etc

    Does anyone know of any RPG systems that do not have one player administer/DM/GM/etc? If so, can you tell me a little about how it works, or point me at some info about it?
  3. Torm

    Need funny cake idea for gamer's wedding anniversary

    I was actually thinking if the number of the anniversary would fit, a cake cut and decorated as TWO six-siders, with the number showing, would be neat. But 1 won't work for that. So maybe one big d6, with the one up?
  4. Torm

    Need funny cake idea for gamer's wedding anniversary

    What anniversary is it?
  5. Torm

    NC Game Day XVI (April 26-27), aka "GenCon Jr."

    A quick note: All four of my registration slots, and one of my reserves slots, for my Saturday AM game are full. But, there is one reserve slot still available if anyone here or on CM wants it. Post in this thread, or PM me. - Torm 'Tis done.
  6. Torm

    Character Building: As Low As You Can Go

    LOL! :lol: And thanks for the link - great stuff.
  7. Torm

    New Roleplaying Community/Portal

    I went to your website and read your mission statement. But it looks like you found what you're wanting right here. Welcome to ENWorld. :D
  8. Torm

    Character Building: As Low As You Can Go

    Many players talk about the combos they've figured out that really amp up their characters: this race with that class and these feats and that PrC. But what I'm looking for is the absolute WORST combinations you can think of - the 10th level characters (or what-have-you) that can consistently...
  9. Torm

    NC Game Day XV - January 26

    Apologies for coming back to this thread so late - things have been madness since we got back from the Game Day. But I wanted to throw out a quick thanks to Rel and Toras and all the players in the two games I was in for two really awesome games. I eagerly await April! :)
  10. Torm

    Torm vs. Tyr

    Why? What'd I ever do to you?
  11. Torm

    Torm vs. Tyr

    An excellent point, and one that is giving Me pause about this whole matter of promoting Me to Greater Deity status - can someone tell Me how, exactly, they are supposed to justify that I will no longer be in the service of Tyr, and how I'm supposed to be God of Paladins when the abandonment of...
  12. Torm

    If we all rolled the normal way for stats, how come he has three 18's?

    I do not think that means, what you think it means.... :p Using 4d6 drop the lowest, 7 times and drop the lowest (which is the standard we generally use when we don't do point buy), I've seen someone - rolling at the table in front of everyone, end up with SIX 18s. They voluntarily ditched...
  13. Torm

    The New Core Pantheon

    Seconded, 'cept I think I would use Ra instead of Pelor. :)
  14. Torm

    Improvised/home-made minis?

    We use the post-it note method, the cut-paper-to-size method, and we've used "minis" from all over the place - Heroclix, Mage Knight, the Star Wars mini game, the pewter pieces from various editions of Monopoly (especially the Star Wars ones), and for one Modron character in a Planescape game...
  15. Torm

    D&D 3E/3.5 The 4E Monster Manual -- what 3.5 monsters need the axe?

    If you mean, get rid of the current version and make them RIGHT, as the Greek legendary Furies that they SHOULD be, then I agree entirely. If you mean, get rid of them altogether, well, we're gonna scrap. ;) I have used these extensively.