• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by The Forsaken One

  1. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Hah I keep coming back to this thread every couple of months for years now as well :D. Hail to the Ahma.
  2. The Forsaken One

    What monster classes do you want?

    I would love to play a troll, what can I say :(. Always wanted to in 3rd and never got around to it, now this can of worms opened up I might be able to brew something up and see that long term (8 years) plan come to fruition!
  3. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    The best christmas present! I literally squeeled when I saw the update! Cheers Sep, amazing! And lol at that wyrms speed haha, nice :).
  4. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    *rubs the lamp vigorously) Every year I wish this story can find a way past all rights and legal issues into the writers ambition and end up in sweet ass hardcover published works. Best fantasy I've ever read. I said it when I read the first few installments and I can still say it with full...
  5. The Forsaken One

    November: What are you reading?

    Reread Dune and the Hobbit last week and now started on Towers of Midnight (Book 13 Wheel of Time).
  6. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    TOLD YOU MY INFINITY WAS BIGGER THEN YOURS! Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Brilliant xD.
  7. The Forsaken One

    Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).

    Holy moley! Shomei always was my favorite along with nwm and now she just went to the #1 spot! Amazing! Especially since she also has a Sho and a Mei running around as well somewhere exploring alternative futures for her haha. Amazing XD.
  8. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

  9. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Ahhh amazing! Two updates and Mostin being cooler then ever! Sick devellopments, loving it :).
  10. The Forsaken One

    [November] What are you reading?

    The gathering storm from the wheel of time series (12th book), and just finished The Dragon never sleeps and Passage of Arms from glen cook last week. After this, dunno! Never read enders game or brave new world (herecy I know so I guess theyll be up next)
  11. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Ahhh this provided some relief during my painful hours of studies of dutch corporate law. Cheers sep! Always good to see mostin taken down a notch haha.
  12. The Forsaken One

    Book of Distant Stars - a monster manual by Mesh Hong

    This book has been a great help to me, thanks! The arri-vastril we're the perfect solution to a main heroic tier plot I was brewing in my world where the majority of the populace is undead (but not many intelligent) as the plane is on a collision course with the shadowfell :). edit: which I...
  13. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Yeah the tendrils disturbed me greatly as well :/
  14. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    I think I'm ODing *gurgle*
  15. The Forsaken One

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Whoaaaa, seriously how much more can this escalate lol! Amazing :cool:. Sick so many updates Sep, awsome! Cheers~!