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Recent content by TGryph

  1. TGryph

    Single System Monogamy

    I do not disagree with your sentiment. For instance, I would not use 5th Edition D&D for a gritty swords-and-sorcery feeling campaign. I was merely pointing out that System Monogamy is not necessarily monotony. Even the Generic systems (Gurps etc) have strong and weak points, but can feel...
  2. TGryph

    Single System Monogamy

    I see a lot of back and forth about "One Type of Music" or "One Pizza topping" and so forth. I put it to you that, even though a person might only play one system., that in no way shape or form means they only play one way...that every time the Flavor is the same. I have run and played in...
  3. TGryph

    DnD while married/relationship - any advice

    It's funny. I got into gaming shortly after getting married the first time. She complained about me being gone every Friday, but we had made an agreement so I stuck to it. She then started complaining to some friends at work. Their response was "Wait a minute...he only goes out once a week, you...
  4. TGryph

    Single System Monogamy

    Heck I can't even be monogamous to a single Fantasy genre system...though I would like to be. My groups just have different tastes...one likes Class & Level systems, the other prefers Skill systems. Other than that, I DO only have one Sci-Fi and one Horror system...so that is something..
  5. TGryph

    What do you think of these OSR systems?

    I agree with Retreater completely, and add... White Box - Left me cold. All I could see are more Feats to choose from ( I Know they are not Feats per se )but nothing about the system appealed to me. YMMV... Shadowdark - Fast and fun... big hit with my friends...for now. I am concerned about...
  6. TGryph

    Still Searching for "That" System

    Don't know if I am to late to the party, but perhaps I can offer some insight as a 40+ year GM. Pick something...anything...and tell them this is it. It seems like you are spending too much time trying to please everyone, but making yourself miserable. Face it...not everyone wants the same...
  7. TGryph

    OSR Why B/X?

    So I started with the Holmes Blue Book to learn the basics (which was a fairly steep learning curve) then we switched over to AD&D as each book came out. Dug deep into it - I was practically always the Dm by choice and being young, married, and broke had little else I could do cheaply. I...
  8. TGryph

    D&D 2E Looking back at the Monstrous Compendia: the MC appendices, Monstrous Manual, and more!

    I have all the loose leaf compendiums except those dealing with Dark Sun and Spelljammer ( I didn't care for those settings at the time). And yeah...the loose leaf pages were, in theory, a good idea, they just didn't hold up. By that time, I had so many AD&D books, I couldn't easily tote them...
  9. TGryph

    OSR Let's make Shadowdark classes!

    How about this for a non-shifting Druid? Weapons - Club, Spear, Staff Armor - Leather, Wooden Shield Languages - Sylvan (Bonus) Master of the Wild: - Can Identify animals, plants, pure water - Cannot be tracked (unless they want to) - Immune to Charm from Dryad or other Fey...
  10. TGryph

    OSR If you were going to commit to one clone of older edition D&D going forward, what would it be?

    Another vote for Castles & Crusades. Been running it for years, and my players still love it. Moves very fast, very few looking up of rules during the game, and with its hackability plus its really cool Class and a Half system, it has enough character combinations for a huge variety. Plus it...
  11. TGryph

    D&D General On Grognardism...

    I very much agree. Played all editions, and keep going back to the Olden Days. I have a great preference for the freedom these less structured rules give me than the more recent ones.
  12. TGryph

    D&D General On Grognardism...

    61 years old, and been playing some form of D&D since 1980...still do. I wrote some for Dragon Magazine and some other stuff for Runequest, so I have been around a while. I just decided to reunite online with a group I played with in Michigan for 25 years, and in deciding what system to use, I...
  13. TGryph

    D&D General For the Love of Greyhawk: Why People Still Fight to Preserve Greyhawk

    Howdy! Just my two cents worth, as Greyhawk is one of my favorite settings..in fact, the only one I have ever used for a D&D style game other than my homebrew world. It was also the inspiration for my homebrew world when I first bought the 1983 Folio new when it first came out (yes, I am...
  14. TGryph

    D&D General Did D&D Die with TSR?

    Died? No. Changed Greatly? Definitely.
  15. TGryph

    D&D 5E Monk, What is Your Martial Code?

    I wrote such an article many years ago for dragon Magazine..."Bonds of Brotherhood". It was written for 2nd Edtion, but it still has some relevance I believe. If you can find it, it might give you some ideas to avoid this stereotype.