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Recent content by tensen

  1. A Plea for Assistance.png

    A Plea for Assistance.png

  2. T

    Did I read this right?

    As a DM I read it like fire and forget. Go attack that target. Each round until the target is dead the beast keeps attacking. Yes, you lost you own attacks the first round, but don't have to use it again unless you need to direct your beast to another target. But I imagine the game designers...
  3. T

    What's the process for a Freelancer?

    Most often freelancers submit entire projects for their first steps, or handle a small portion of a larger project. For starting freelancers you need to show that you can produce and meet a deadline. In fact most small publishers don't want you to pitch an idea you haven't finished. Since if...
  4. T

    Coming Soon for 4E - Races of Fantasy: The Elohim

    What comes next, The Yahweh?
  5. T

    Boy, Does It Ever Suck Not Getting Paid!

    Deborah was handling that line of books for Dark Quest. It was quite a headache. I know I only recently (a couple months back) was in touch with Martin Rayla over the Morrigan manuscript that had never been turned over to me. Please have Laura contact me at darkquestgames@gmail.com
  6. T

    [LPJ Design] Support the OGL, by wearing it!!!

    Does the human wearing the shirt count as art, or must you declare it as product identity so no one can reuse you as OGC?
  7. T

    Hey Publishers, fair use?

    Treebore, you still aren't getting it. What you are talking about with regards to sharing a book doesn't fall under the Fair Use laws at all. Fair Use is: for the purposes of criticism, comment, new reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research...
  8. T

    Hey Publishers, fair use?

    No. The OGL is defining things that you can use under the terms of the license... it has nothing to do with "fair use." Just what is fair for you to use under the terms.
  9. T

    Hey Publishers, fair use?

    Having a few pages of a .pdf may be fair use (depending on the size of the product). Having the full product is no longer fair use. You original questions seem somewhat contradictory. Since I'm sure some publishers may consider things fair, but that doesn't mean it is fair use under the legal...
  10. T

    Mimicking WotC's layout design, fonts, etc. . .

    You are talking about trade dress. Which I believe falls under the same category as trademark, and not related to copyright. Under the 3rd edition days there was of course lots of mimicing of the type of pseudo fantasy cover look for the book covers of d20 products. Later licenses did...
  11. T

    4e D&D GSL Live

    I'm annoyed the actually put that in specifically. I know one of the first things I wanted to do was create an index. The one they have in the PHB now is a bit too minimal for my tastes.
  12. T

    What do you think about a repository for Customer Service answers?

    Make sure to list the customer service person's name. It is a good way to figure out which CSR we should keep listening to.
  13. T

    equal or lower?!

    Simple. Just like when a half-elf uses their racial ability and takes an at-will power and it becomes an encounter power... the rules in that regard are fluid. So if you have a 2nd level power, and chose to take something that is a 1st level power where you retrain... it is the same power...
  14. T

    Armor of Agathys

    Just remember with the way folks lose and regain hit points through the course of the day, 13 actually isn't a whole lot. The classes with more healing surges will have regained more than that during their rests (which this warlock can't use until he expends these hit points.) [I meantioined...
  15. T

    Portable hole: not for storage anymore

    I remember the days when a portable hole in one of the campaign worlds i played in college was designed after the portable hole from the movie Roger Rabbit. So it isn't out of the ordinary for what I'm used to.