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Recent content by TBoarder

  1. T

    3.5 leadership question: more than 1 cohort?

    VERY hidden tidbit on page 104 of the DMG... There is no limit to the number of cohorts a character can have. I don't *understand* this idea, considering how the number of followers you can have is very set, but it's right there, buried but plainly and deliberately written, 2nd paragraph in the...
  2. T

    Fallout 3 watch...

    Remember that Oblivion had a save point right before you exited the sewers that allowed you to change any part of your character. It wouldn't surprise me if Fallout didn't have the same thing.
  3. T

    Swashbuckling-Style Rules

    Book of Nine Swords warblade is the best Swashbuckler style character I've played in 3.x, outdoing even the actual Swashbuckler class. Diamond Mind and Iron Heart maneuvers fit the theme the best, I believe.
  4. T

    Sneak attack while swallowed?

    The entire point of the gullet closing being that it won't allow a seond character who's been swallowed to exit from the same hole. I hate it when people use whacked out semantics to justify screwing a character out of an ability...
  5. T

    D&D 4E FR 4E SPOILER - Grand Histoy of the Realms info

    Just found at my local bookstore. The chain stores may not have been given a street date for it (Those are usually reserved for big releases) and it could've just gotten an early shipment.
  6. T

    D&D 4E FR 4E SPOILER - Grand Histoy of the Realms info

    What happened with Helm was this... (My own comments in parenthese) Siamorphe quarreled with Try as they took different sides in a clash between Tethyr and Calimsan. She removed herself from the House of the Triad and joined Sune's court in Brightwater. Try sent Helm to plead his case with...
  7. T

    D&D 4E FR 4E SPOILER - Grand Histoy of the Realms info

    Not a joke... It's a bit more complicated that what I put down here though. I didn't include the political reasons behind the romance, just showing the final results and the hints of involvement with it.
  8. T

    D&D 4E FR 4E SPOILER - Grand Histoy of the Realms info

    I picked up my copy of Grand History of the Realms over the weekend, and with all the debate that's occuring... May as well add fuel to the fire. :) Spoilers... (highlight to read)
  9. T

    Should I Pick up Madden 2005?

    No, they didn't. The NFL did. The NFL put out the offer for a company to be exclusive with them. If EA didn't buy, the makers of the 2K series would've.
  10. T

    A Sad and Expensive Story. PC or Console Tale

    I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I started out as a PC guy in the late 90s, playing Unreal Tournement, Baldur's Gate, Deus Ex, and other amazing games that I could never appreciate fully because of the PCs rassin' frassin' keyboard & mouse control scheme. While I understand that the...
  11. T

    Oathbound - an overlooked setting?

    One more thing that hurt it for me hurt it for me, beyond the 3 you mentioned, is the "furry" aspect. Far too many non-human, non-humanoid races that are placed in human/humanoid roles. I don't mind the "alien" races in it (the jellyfish-like Ceptu were really cool), but it's really just too...
  12. T

    What is your most trivial house rule?

    How about making the cost equal the total rolled (d20+skill ranks+mods...) in gp? That way there's more of a correlation of price to information received. "Hey, you got a great roll and got some great information, hence the extra cost..."
  13. T

    Star Trek: Enterprise -[Final Mission]- Stardate:503150. Final Log

    For anyone wishing that B&B would've included Archer's speech, think of this... do any of you think that they could've written something as important and historically significant as that speech successfully? Personally after seeing the episode, I was releived that they didn't show it... Being...
  14. T

    What rules don't work?

    Yes, they are that difficult. Grappling has become progressively more and more complicated since 2nd edition. The original 2nd edition rules were simple, but a bit unfair to the defender, with each successful hit giving a flat percentage chance of knocking the defender out. It had great...
  15. T

    What rules don't work?

    Barbarian's Rage - the *only* class ability that is inherently lethal. It's impossible for a Barbarian to get have a dramitic, down-to-the-wire knock-down-drag-out fight with an enemy, both down to the last hit point, simply because the Barbarian is automatically dead at this point if he...