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Recent content by Stegger

  1. S

    [UPDATED - ASCENSION!] Blackdirge's "Metamorphosis - From Dretch to Demon Lord"

    I am terribly sorry to hear about the editors misfortune. Some things are much more important than a book! But thank you for the updates, both of you.
  2. S

    [UPDATED - ASCENSION!] Blackdirge's "Metamorphosis - From Dretch to Demon Lord"

    Is there any official update on the release? :)
  3. S

    MERGED: How do you say the site name? / What's with Eeee Ennn World?

    Yes, Eric Noah so EE EN it is
  4. S

    Metamorphosis: From Dretch to Demon Lord - Ascension Released!

    Thanks! I am really looking forward to it :D
  5. S

    Metamorphosis: From Dretch to Demon Lord - Ascension Released!

    Do you know what date it will be released?
  6. S

    An Assassin's Tale: The Return of Grummok - A taste of things to come =]

    Thank you for the information! I will definetly buy it if you should ever publish it :)
  7. S

    DEATH OF A DEMON LORD now available in softcover!

    I was wondering if it would be available in pdf format? Shipment and VAT to Denmark would make it rather expensive and I would pay to be able to read a compiled story rather than going through a lot of web pages.
  8. S

    High level Modules

    Maure Castle from Dungeon 112 have gotten quite som praise over at paizo.com. The current Dungeon magazine #122, has an adventure called The Root of Evil for 18th level characters. The next issue, 123, has an adventure for lvl 30 characters :) I dont know any published adventures for "epic"...
  9. S


    Hi, I asked a somewhat similar question about two days ago, but got only one reply. I dont have any additional information about the site/systemm but I would also like to know some more. If you dont play for the pro GM, is it any different from rpol or places like it?? Cheers, Stegger
  10. S

    Anyone going to game at Ghostorb?

    Hi, as some posters here at ENworld I have trouble getting people to play with. I just got my Dungeon 121 and in it was an advertisment for a place called Ghostorb an I was wondering if anyone knows something about this place and whether anyone plan to join? Cheers, Stegger edit: www.ghostorb.com
  11. S

    Who is from or based in Continental Europe?

    Copenhagen, Denmark :)