• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Sparky McDibben

  1. S

    D&D 5E Cyberpunk Armor in D&D

    So my issue here is that it sends a completely different message to players: "Man, this guy has a lot of hit points!" What I'm looking for is a "WTF???" reaction that makes them worried. This is a game that's been running for over a year; I'd prefer to apply to the monsters (to playtest it)...
  2. S

    D&D 5E Cyberpunk Armor in D&D

    I guess I'm confused by your feedback. This is something I'm applying to a monster, not a PC.
  3. S

    D&D 5E Cyberpunk Armor in D&D

    I thought so, too. When I saw it in Cyberpunk RED, I thought, "Hello, old friend." And because it ablates with damage, it creates a death spiral for the bad guy. You can act with impunity up front, but once you start getting worn down, it's time for the pain train, baby.
  4. S

    D&D 5E Cyberpunk Armor in D&D

    Ah, I see. Thanks!
  5. S

    D&D 5E Cyberpunk Armor in D&D

    Oh, learning the spell is absolutely not on the table. This is a consumed scroll from Ye Olden Times that this wizard is using. And yeah, he would be the equivalent of a level 20 wizard. Can I ask where the 15.5 damage assumption came from? As to the power of the spell you pointed out...
  6. S

    D&D 5E Cyberpunk Armor in D&D

    Wanted to do something interesting for some of my bad guys, and I thought about borrowing Cyberpunk-style armor for a D&D bad guy. Mechanically, armor in Cyberpunk doesn't make you harder to hit, it makes you harder to hurt. Armor's Stopping Power (SP) reduces the damage you take. When damage...
  7. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Option 2 works especially well if you make Grimnir into our world, and the PCs are some of the last evacuees from the last world Muspell devoured (at level 1). Make the Baendur the original inhabitants, and you've got like three different major fault lines to exploit for conflicts.
  8. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Please do! Let me know how it goes; I'm considering a remix on the whole campaign that makes it more open-ended, so your input would be helpful there. :)
  9. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Honestly, man, I'm just glad it's done. Reasonable people can disagree on whether or not to run the adventure, which is why I don't say "You shouldn't play this." But I don't want particularly want to keep reviewing material that doesn't interest me. The idiosyncrasies in the material are a...
  10. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    True, but to be fair, that's a gender-neutral exchange. The whole thing happens if you have male Hawke under the same circumstances. Agreed! Hey Sword, it sounds like you're OK with patching some of the problems I've identified. That doesn't make them not problems, and that doesn't mean I...
  11. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Alright, the next chapter is called the Stone Court. For those of you who forgot, the Stone Court are the gods of Grimnir, petrified and trapped in stone by Boda's perfidious treachery ages and ages ago...yada, yada, yada. Boda's been busy while the heroes saved the sun and all - she's using an...
  12. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Actually, in my recollection (which starts with Dragon Age), I don't think they have. Bioware stans, please let me know if I'm wrong. Yep, but given that by this point the heroes have encountered multiple authority figures who've been suborned by the witches, this is unlikely to be met with...
  13. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Oh, just wait. The next chapter is supposed to kill the PCs. Hopefully it's now clear where the frustration was coming from in earlier portions of this review, though I'll concede that I need to work on my style a bit. Chapter 8 is called Return to Drifthall, and it's where the PCs return to...
  14. S

    Raiders of the Serpent Sea - Third Party 5E Review

    Alright, on to the Saga of the Dead. This is the last of the "three sagas" that key off of Drifthall. The core of the adventure is going to the Underworld to guide Siddhe into becoming Hel, thereby stopping the undead from siding with the Ironwood Witches at Ragnarok. The PCs also need to...
  15. S

    WotC Third party, DNDBeyond and potential bad side effects.

    They certainly don't do it well. See Avernus.