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Recent content by Sidyan

  1. S

    Oldie but quickie: What the XP formula?

    So, the letter of the law might support you ... Where I come from, we have this thing called courtesy. Given the length WotC goes through to protect 2 things from being circulated outside the core rulebooks (character creation & character advancement, cfr. SYSTEM TRADEMARK GUIDE VERSION 4.0), I...
  2. S

    Oldie but quickie: What the XP formula?

    Then again, this IS ENWorld, the Slashdot of D&D ... what was I thinking ... :cool: If this were the WotC boards, you'd have the Wiz'Os all over you ;)
  3. S

    Oldie but quickie: What the XP formula?

    Actually, the only acceptable answer to this question is: "Sorry, that information is not OGC, and posting it here would violate the OGL"
  4. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Paladin's Mount w/Leadership: Is this one legal?

    I agree with this completely. Note that it states "when a celestial mates", not "when a celestial creature mates". A celestial dog is not a Celestial, and therefore can't beget half-celestial offspring. The entire issue arises from the faulty "Half-Celestial" name ... WotC should have split it...
  5. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Paladin's Mount w/Leadership: Is this one legal?

    Nice story, but it won't fly. To be a Half-Celestial, one of your parents must be a Celestial, not merely a celestial creature. So unless Odif was a overly frisky Hound Archon in disguise, or a Lupinal trying to get back to its roots, Perrigo would be a celestial dog at best, and probably merely...
  6. S

    Evoker (Prohibited school Divination) goes Divine Oracle?

    Specialisation I was under the impression that to become an Evoker, you'd have to take one of the following choices of oppositional schools (PHB p54): * Conjuration * Transmuration * any 2 of Abjuration, Enchantment & Illusion * any 3 It seems that this character has bigger problems than...
  7. S

    Half-elves in 3.5 (or: Half-elves got the shaft!)

    Urban Arcana Urban Arcana states (on p.22) that Half-Elves get a +2 species bonus on Diplomacy & Gather Information checks, but unlike Elves (on p.20), don't seem to get the auto-search ability vs. secret doors. Then again, it lists both as getting Archaic Weapon Proficiency for free, which is...
  8. S

    has anybody converted Twe'lleks

    That would be Twi'lek.
  9. S

    European Gamer Poll

    Bulak, 'South Brabant' most certainly isn't a province in Belgium. 'Brabant' was a province, but the 4th federal state reform in 1993 changed that, and in 1995 Brabant was split into 2 provinces, a dutch-speaking one, and a french-speaking one. This is the list of Belgium's 10 provinces...
  10. S

    European Gamer Poll

    Limburg boven !!! Speaking from the other side of the great divide (aka the Belgian/Dutch border), I'd like to clarify on the situation of Limburg some more. Limburg as a region, is 'occupied' for about half by the Netherlands, and half by Belgium. We have our own (unrecognised, unlike Fries)...
  11. S

    Which character sheet do you use ?

    Ema's all the way indeed. The last version I know of, 3.1, even has page references in the spell & power lists. I do admit using regular grid paper for my inventory and prepared spell lists however. For my current char, a Druid, I even went as far as to create a bunch of (static) excel sheets...
  12. S

    Adamantite Question !!

    He did ... he gave the weapons a +1 magical enhancement bonus, which is superceeded by the +2 natural enhancement bonus of the magical weapon. Like that he got a +2 Holy Flaming ( +5 eq. for 25000gp ) for only a +4 eq. ( 16000gp ) + adamantite ( 9000gp ), which in this case comes out at also...
  13. S

    [meta] What part of the world do you live in?

    United Europe I'm saddened by yet another American ploy to divide us Europeans. I mean, what's next ??? EU & non-EU ??? North & South Europe ??? Not to mention that Scandinavians will probably vote "other" on this poll ... I suggest you start a new poll: inside Europe or outside Europe :D (...
  14. S

    [OT Movies] Top 5 Fantasy Films

    LotR - FotR SW - RotJ SW - tESB SW - tPM SW - ANH In that order, and none other.