• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Shadowdancer

  1. S

    D&D 5E Advice on an archer rogue build

    So I have an elf archer rogue, level 2. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to take a couple of levels of ranger. Is the +2 to hit bonus a second level ranger would get with a bow enough to offset the 1d6 sneak attack I would lose for not going straight rogue?
  2. S

    Shuriken question

    If this question has already been asked and answered, I apologize. I was creating my first rogue character last night, and I came across the weapon entry for shurikens. It has (5) in the entry. I don't see anything like this for any other weapon. What does the (5) mean? Do you attack with 5...
  3. S

    Adaption of 'Demonweb Pits' (SPOILERS)

    I recently played part one of the RPGA adapted version of Expedition to the Demonweb Pits. Our group had a lot of fun, but upon receiving our ARs, we were all a little puzzled as to why the main focus of part one was tracking down some weapons we aren't going to able to use in the future parts...
  4. S

    Chimes at Midnight scaled for 8th Level ...

    We just played "Quoth the Raven," and I really enjoyed it. My character, a Duskblade, had a lot of fun with the Warforged in the junkyard -- Shocking Grasp delivered from a greatsword. And in the climactic battle with the Raven, I finally got to use a combo I'd been dying to try: Touch of...
  5. S

    RPGA Modules

    The password-protected mods you can download from the RPGA site are regional adventures. You can only receive the passwords for those mods if 1) you live in that region and 2) you order the mod from RPGA, and can send your regional triad your event name and number, and your RPGA number. Each LG...
  6. S

    Got Me a New Set of Dice...

    I know a player who tries to bribe his dice. Sets them on a folded-up $20 bill on the table in front of him.
  7. S

    Any female game masters?

    Through the RPGA I've gamed with so many female GMs, I don't even think about it anymore. One of our triad members (Bandit Kingdoms) is female, as is one of the County of Urnst triad members. Heck, I've played at a table run by a 12-year-old girl.
  8. S

    LG: Adventure 'til you drop!

    Big news announced by Chris Tulach about the Living Greyhawk campaign. No more TU costs for adventures! Year 6 Core and adapted adventures don't expire until end of 2008! An option for not retiring a character that reaches 16th level. And it all starts this weekend (Sept. 1)! The link
  9. S

    When did you start using Greyhawk?

    Not sure exactly when. It was when the original Greyhawk setting boxed set came out, while I was in college in the early '80s.
  10. S

    If you play DnD, how old are you?

    47, will be 48 in December. D&D keeps me feeling younger, though.
  11. S

    Orc & Pie

    Chimeras and Cinammon Rolls.
  12. S

    Ever Heard Of A Gaming Cruise?

    You aren't "stuck on a boat" when you go on a cruise. Most make stops at various ports of call, where you can get off the ship and do some sight-seeing and shopping. I would guess that most of the gaming activities during a gaming cruise would take place when the ship is underway, between ports...
  13. S

    Parents Neglect - D&D named.....

    Right. It is a symptom of a deeper problem, not the problem itself.
  14. S

    Star Wars Saga Edition?

    I never played the first two editions, so I can't answer your question exactly. But I have played in a demo of SAGA Edition, and I can tell you the feel is very cinematic -- very fast-paced and smooth. Our GM took a SW 2nd Edition mini-adventure and modified it for SAGA. In 3 hours of actual...
  15. S

    RPGA adventures

    From the information on the RPGA Website, each of the Greyhawk Ruins adventures -- there will be four -- will be equal to four standard LG Core mods. So each should take about 16 hours to play. As for the Expedition to Undermountain minicampaign, the entry on the RPGA site makes it sound like...