• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Sam

  1. Sam

    Side adventure to run between 2 & 3? Ideas needed!

    My group just finished up tIFFoI last night and will be starting the next chapter in two weeks. The majority of the party is 4th level. Given the length of time they have to travel to reach Seaquen (2-4 weeks), I'd like them to be able to get to a solid 5th level before they reach the city...
  2. Sam

    Shelter from the Storm Flowchart

    Thanks! I've put crude ones like this together for the first two adventures. I've found that it helps me remember what the story flow should by. Ryan - Would love to see something like this in all the adventures!
  3. Sam

    Paladin Actions - Appropriate?

    Nobody knew it was an imp when they made the deal. He says he wasn't involved in the making of the deal. He was about 20 feet away by the door of the house they were bursting into. I'm not so worked up about the attack, more that he totally blindsided the imp and the party with his action.
  4. Sam

    Paladin Actions - Appropriate?

    So we're playing my campaign last night, and things were moving along fairly well. In and of itself that's surprising because it's a pretty large group (8 players) and we've been playing together so long that it normally winds up turning into a dysfunctional family rather than a cohesive party...
  5. Sam

    WotBS WotBS - Counterspelling question

    Very much so. Thanks for the info and quick response.
  6. Sam

    WotBS WotBS - Counterspelling question

    I've a question on the counterspelling tactics used by the Inquisitors. I had been under the impression that in order to effectively counterspell a spell being cast, you needed to know that spell (or one very close to it). How do the Inquisitors get around that requirement? Am I...
  7. Sam

    WotBS Running WotBS with 6-7 players

    I've got the same concerns regarding party size. I'm starting the campaign this friday with a group of 8 players. Don't ask.... We've got a gaming group of about 11 people (including whoever is DM'ing), though normally there's only about six players in any given campaign. I guess I got...
  8. Sam

    Spellcasting Prodigy - Where is it?

    Thanks. I was hoping it was republished in one of the "Complete" books.
  9. Sam

    Spellcasting Prodigy - Where is it?

    Trying to find the feat "Spellcasting Prodigy". Can anyone help point me to which book it's in. I've looked in everything, but must be having some block, cause I can't find it. Thanks, --Sam
  10. Sam

    How many gaming groups?

    Just one. We run every Friday night at my house. Rotating campaign. Most of the players in the group also game with each other at least one other day per week in a campaign I don't play in. I'd love to, but barely have time to game one night a week.
  11. Sam

    [NJ, DE, PA and beyond] Southern Exposure [ENworld get-together]

    I'm disappointed in you Dru... No post con wrap-up? ;)
  12. Sam

    City of Heroes Roll Call! (Updated September 18)

    Haven't gone through the whole thread.... Has there been any talk of creating a multi-server EN World Super Group?
  13. Sam

    City of Heroes Roll Call! (Updated September 18)

    {All new characters for the list} Virtue Server - Infernium - Level 11 Mutation Blaster (fire/fire) Brain of J - Level 2 Science Controller (gravity) Victory Server - Heliotropic - Level 4 Magic Defender (empathy/dark) Been playing the game for a little over a week and loving it!
  14. Sam

    [BELGIUM]I'm not expecting anything from this, but who knows!

    You'll likely get more people who you want to see this actually look at it if you put a [Belgium] tag in the subject.
  15. Sam

    Arms & Armor v3.5 On Sale Now!

    What's with Amazon showing shipping time of 1-2 months?