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Recent content by Rob Kuntz

  1. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General The Role and Purpose of Evil Gods

    In the ethereal sense as portrayed here, yes. ;) It has inspired me to create a new deity, Electross; and since its electrons run through every manifestation anyone worshipping it can grant spells! ;)
  2. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General The Role and Purpose of Evil Gods

    In my game the above is an archetypal example of at least 3 missed shaving throws vs. confusion! ;) Just think if all of these words had been directed to product creation! Morrus would have had at least one new Kickstarter! ;). Just having fun. Otto made made me do it!
  3. Rob Kuntz

    Release Outland - Work of Fiction - Shipjacking

    Good luck with your endeavor! Looks approachable for the 20 minutes I spent perusing your imaginative offerings. Just one pointer from a long seasoned publisher. It's always better to slant the reason for adopting your particular brand of gaming from a positively engaged view rather than...
  4. Rob Kuntz

    D&D 4E Ron Edwards on D&D 4e

    Hmm. Not trying to be pedantic, but... Rather than framing this as a point moving downward in his supposed thesis, and into the unresolvable area of the nebulous, would not it be better couched, considering that it is his assertion that he must prove (or not), to promote the upward course by...
  5. Rob Kuntz

    D&D 4E Ron Edwards on D&D 4e

    Everything is fair game within the haphazardly cast net of rhetoric compared to the purposefully wound rope of philosophical inquiry.
  6. Rob Kuntz

    D&D 4E Ron Edwards on D&D 4e

    THIS is why I have always agreed with Noam Chomsky about postmodern (written) expression. Combine it with histrionics, and viola! the word-run lurking above...
  7. Rob Kuntz

    TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?

    Well, there's only so many times you can lead a horse to fresh water; and if it continually refuses to drink, it isn't because of the water... -- "M. Twain Kuntz" ;)
  8. Rob Kuntz

    TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?

    I say he achieved martyrdom for his efforts and was promptly returned to the Abyss! :) Hey, anything's possible... ;)
  9. Rob Kuntz

    D&D 5E Why not Alternity? (Or, will or how might WotC do SF?)

    In my view, since the D&D brand moved in-house and thus leveled up in the Hasbro IP chain, they will concentrate on developing electronic media perhaps as spin-offs and/or segues of the D&D line. SF in some form, thus, will become a factor for electronic media, just my feeling. D&D-type...
  10. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General D&D doesn't need Evil

    Your two quotes that I use for reference: Note: This is a game, even its authorial representation of humans, under scrutiny, could find caricature and cliches even in Modern thought or Classical. Since Invoking a line of comparison of thought (the real world expectations and experiences in...
  11. Rob Kuntz

    Commentary thread for that “Describe your game in five words” thread.

    "Rumble, mumble and run!" Note: Pretty much, as well, a silent slogan for the original play-testers of D&D.
  12. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General D&D doesn't need Evil

    Aside #2: A Strawberry Daiquiri doesn't need strawberries, but it's sure better with them! ;)
  13. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General D&D doesn't need Evil

    Hmm... Apparently a redundancy can make another redundancy redundant!
  14. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General D&D doesn't need Evil

    You know, very simply, mixing the two extremes--life and fictional representations thereof--is not a good premise to begin with, let alone describing evil as solely a Christian/Westernized concept. I am sure that the Poles when invaded by The Mongols or Huns, slaughtered and taken prisoner, saw...
  15. Rob Kuntz

    D&D General The Role and Purpose of Evil Gods

    Aside: It has always interested me, and sometimes left me wondrous, while observing an unrelenting cross-bombardment of words that essentially end, almost every time, at détente.