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Recent content by Ragmon

  1. R

    D&D 5E Don't play "stupid" characters. It is ableist.

    Its EnWorld, its Nerds debating/arguing about imaginary things. This is pretty normal. :)
  2. R

    D&D 5E Don't play "stupid" characters. It is ableist.

    I managed to solve this issue. You remove any Racial ASI, add that same amount to the stat distribution pool (nothing special so far). The players can make what ever character they want with what ever race. They are special snowflakes, not an average speciment of their race anyway. On the DM...
  3. R

    D&D 5E Don't play "stupid" characters. It is ableist.

    Most of the examples aren't all that good, have little to do with intelligence. These don't need to be role-played, they manifest when rolling to see if you are good at a task: Yes, knowledge is INT based, but is also affected by training/skill rank/proficiency. Meaning some one who doesn't...
  4. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 Venomfire crit question

    Hi all, On a confirmed critical hit do you add the Venomfire damage to the hit damage before or after multiplying the damage? http://dnd.arkalseif.info/spells/serpent-kingdoms--24/venomfire--3259/index.html "You cause the subject's venom to become caustic, dealing an additional 1d6 points of...
  5. R

    D&D 5E Don't play "stupid" characters. It is ableist.

    All I get from this is that, we should only play our self in game.
  6. R

    D&D 5E (+) What would you want for 5e Dark Sun?

    Its a very specific setting with a small audience. That is why they haven't been really working on it. (corporate BS and all that). If they start diluting it with "hope" and "light", then its not Dark Sun anymore, now is it?
  7. R

    D&D 5E (+) What would you want for 5e Dark Sun?

    The setting should be as brutal as uncomfortable as possible. You need cultures in there that oppose your sensibilities. That is why I disagree with this: Dark Sun isn't for the feint of heart or easily offended. But that is just my 2 copper pieces.
  8. R

    D&D 5E Tasha's Drow Art and the Future of Their Depictions in D&D

    But why? Natural selection or adaptation has nothing to do with their skin color. They have been cursed with dark skin for worshiping Loth and comiting evil deeds, and their offspring inherit this curse.
  9. R

    D&D 5E Tasha's Drow Art and the Future of Their Depictions in D&D

    Yea, but Drow are cursed and that is why there skin color is like that. It is not due to natural selection.
  10. R

    D&D 5E Dealing with optimizers at the table

    Don't be afraid of certain play-styles, embrace them and adjust your GM-ing accordingly, adapt and have fun. First thing first, "optimized" isnt the same as "game-breaking" or "over-powered". Second, you are the GM, adjust the combat accordingly (while preparing and/or on-the-fly). Very easy...
  11. R

    D&D 5E Too Few Player Options During Combat?

    I would say, we lack mechanics that back-up options during combat.
  12. R

    D&D 5E Temple of Elemental Evil is the next Original Adventures Reincarnated

    Really? Now? Now that me and my group are finishing up running TOEE, that I painstakingly converted to 5e + redrawing some maps. sigh :D
  13. R

    D&D 5E What is the appeal of the weird fantasy races?

    Just to add my 2 cents. Let reverse the question, why would you ever play a human in a fantasy setting, where you could be just about anything? Instead of the fantasy classes do you pick "commoner" or "expert" as your class (cause thats what you are in real life)? Do you use your own stats for...
  14. R

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    The words, "Go woke, go broke" come to mind.