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Recent content by ProfAnime

  1. ProfAnime

    Favorite System that Never Caught On

    I'd vote for DP9's Tribe 8, Heavy Gear, and Jovian Chronicles. Silhouette system is pretty decent and the backgrounds for the games are excellent. Mini's side of things for HG and JC are relatively popular, but wish their rpg sides got more interest
  2. ProfAnime

    If you could try a RPG that ISN'T D&D...

    The games that I always want to play, but for whatever reason never get a chance to are DP9's games using the Silhouette system, not the new d20 versions. Heavy Gear, Jovian Chronicles for your mecha action and Tribe 8 for a surreal fantasy experience.
  3. ProfAnime

    Your favorite older edition products

    2 - B2 Keep on the Borderlands 3 - U series of modules, first set of modules I ever ran as a DM 4 - Faiths and Avatars - bit overpowered specialty clerics, but excellent info on the gods and their priesthoods.
  4. ProfAnime

    Buying Anime?

    I use www.dvdpricesearch.com for 90% of my Anime buying, and check Right Stuf's weekly deals for some good prices (which accounts for the other 10%)
  5. ProfAnime

    Please Help Paladin and Paladinwife...Award winners listed!

    Well, knowing how it is to be out of work for a lengthy period of time with a child, I have sent $100 your way.
  6. ProfAnime

    Price of Books too high?

    Well I can certainly agree on the weight issue, considering I just had to drag my huge library of RPG materials down two flights of stairs to the basement since my wife decided she did not want them cluttering up the bedroom anymore.
  7. ProfAnime

    Where to find free Two Towers DVD?

    I think Chrysler might be running some sort of Two Towers campaign. My father is a manager at the local dealership, and just dropped off a couple of dvds, and a few of the posters they had left over from hanging them up in the building.
  8. ProfAnime

    Ideal Number of Players?

    I voted 6+, for six players and 1 DM. I like that number cause it means you can lose a player or two for a session, not have a problem, as well as I just like larger groups of players. My last game that I ran had 10 players in it, and we had a blast playing without many slowdowns or anything...
  9. ProfAnime

    Serious Fantasy Anime (European Style)

    Scrapped Princess is a pretty good show for a fantasy adventure, though it does have some sci-fi bits in it. Not available in the US yet, so will need to grab fansubs or raw. Juuni Kokki (The Twelve Kingdoms) is a pretty good fantasy adventure, though it is more Chinese/Japanese than Western...
  10. ProfAnime

    Do you think a character should be resurected or changed when it dies ?

    Well I voted not bothered either way. DnD is built around the expectation that there is easy ways to bring back the dead, and if the players want to try it, then they can, though I normally do attach some sort of roleplaying price to getting brought back, I do not do it always. But then again...
  11. ProfAnime

    Lodoss Anime Series

    In a similar vein as RoLW I would recommend Heroic Legend of Arslan. Very nice series that my wife loves.
  12. ProfAnime

    Do I look like a "Mr. Mustache"?

    No more gamers need the Victorian look. Shows we are more refined than the petty masses out there :)
  13. ProfAnime

    Salvatore to write format for FR TV Series

    Thought some of you might be interested in this http://www.rasalvatore.com/fireworks.html
  14. ProfAnime

    Queen of Spiders ESD

    GDQ Conversion Well I have started on it once or twice, but since the games I was in at the time died, I kept stopping. But I would also love to see someone's conversion of the mod.
  15. ProfAnime

    1st Edition Modules

    Well I always like the Slaver series (A1-4), S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (with its companion WG4 Lost Temple of Tharizdun), and the GDQ1-7 Queen of Spiders mods. I am not sure if WG4 has been ESDed yet, but the other there have been. Also for low level adventures I would recommend the...