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Recent content by poilbrun

  1. poilbrun

    WotBS WotbS RELOADED for Pathfinder

    Any news on this? I was part of those who participated in the Rebuilding EN World kickstarter and I'm eagerly waiting for it :-)
  2. poilbrun

    Do You Read This News?

    For sure I read the front page!
  3. poilbrun

    We have 99 Heroes of Neverwinter beta keys to give away

    Dungeons and Dragons A Facebook video game Lots of wasted time
  4. poilbrun

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Copyright Issues at Obsidian Portal?

    Paizo probably think it, since that's why they requested the owner of the campaign to do...
  5. poilbrun

    The free ZEITGEIST Campaign Guide is here! [Updated - Revision 1]

    The link to the two-page player primer for Pathfinder points to the player guide instead of the primer, is there any way to fix that?
  6. poilbrun

    New campaign: agents of a god in a brand new world

    I have decided to set up the campaign in what of the easiest spots from a geographic point of view: if you look at the map I linked to in my first post, the character will start in the south of the bay (Itäportti) on the east side of the continent, close to the city of Jinab. That will put them...
  7. poilbrun

    New campaign: agents of a god in a brand new world

    Hello all, I have had an idea for a new campaign where the PCs would be agents sent by a god to a brand new world to serve as guides and leaders to the new inhabitants of the world. I designed a pantheon based on the alignments with Dwarves (LG), Elves (CG), Goblins (LE) and Orcs (CE) at the...
  8. poilbrun

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Character Creation: Point Buy or Roll of the Die?

    I wonder how much this is due to the players and how much to the game designers. I don't know if you've run any Paizo Adventure Path but some of the encounters are very tough and it seems to me that if the characters in my group were not optimized, as my players usually do, they can very well...
  9. poilbrun

    paradox42's crazy cosmology

    I just wanted to take a second to thank you for posting all this. It's a very interesting read!
  10. poilbrun

    Epic Experience Points

    Doing alright, still playing 3e, well Pathfinder really, so I have not been so active here recently :p
  11. poilbrun

    Epic Experience Points

    Yep, your formula is indeed correct. I never noticed it before!
  12. poilbrun

    Epic Experience Points

    I don't know how it might be of use, but it was quick enough to do. Please find the list to level 1000 attached as an html page within a zip file.
  13. poilbrun

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Character Creation: Point Buy or Roll of the Die?

    My problem with the generation of abilities in a random order is that you end up with players choosing a character class based on the abilities rather than on what they want to play. I read a lot of game books and I often think about what my next character will be, going as far as having some...
  14. poilbrun

    What setting are you using?

    I'm DMing in Ptolus and playing in the Rise of the Runelords AP in Golarion, both using the PFRPG rules
  15. poilbrun

    Dawn of Worlds

    By following a link to a Gnome Stew article on the main page, I ended up learning about a game called Dawn of Worlds (http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf). Basically, the players take the role of gods, shaping the world, its races and cultures to come up with a...