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Recent content by Pinotage

  1. P

    Doctor Who Series 6 Fall run

    Well said. My sentiments also. Pinotage
  2. P

    Doctor Who Series 6 Fall run

    But didn't the Impossible Astronaut say something that the Doctor at the lake who dies being several hundred years older? I don't see how the Doctor at this age can be going to the lake, unless they're mixing Doctor timelines and not telling us. Pinotage
  3. P

    [OOC] The Forges of the Mountain King- 1st Level Dwarf PCs [Full]

    Sorry to hear about your change of circumstances, Goonalan. Don't worry about us - just sort the more important things out. Hopefully we'll play together again in a few months time. Pinotage
  4. P

    [OOC] The Forges of the Mountain King- 1st Level Dwarf PCs [Full]

    Welcome! Glad to have you join us. Resident Non-Defender here, judging by the amount of dead PCs! :-0 Pinotage
  5. P

    The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!

    Kazzagin The last orc fell quickly and Kazzagin turned to Grim, his beard coated is sweat and a little blood. "There be one left. You be best suited to take it out in the water from a distance. Let's be moving after it. This one can be left here for now." And with that Kazzagin follows the...
  6. P

    Cartoons for Geeks Both Young and Old

    Does Star Wars - The Clone Wars count as a cartoon? I agree that Robotech looks outdated, but I watched the whole series again a few years back, and still enjoyed it. Gummi Bears was always a hoot! :-) Pinotage
  7. P

    Adaptiv Tank

    Perhaps the hexoganal tiles are made of some sort of Peltier element? If you radiate heat outwards that you want visible, and the other heat inwards via cooling and the Peltier element, you could still have the heat, just redistribute it? You need super good control of the temperature of each of...
  8. P

    [OOC] The Forges of the Mountain King- 1st Level Dwarf PCs [Full]

    Was going to post, but I'm waiting to see if Grim's action takes the orc down. I think it's gaming night for Goonalan, so I'll wait until the time comes. Pinotage
  9. P

    The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!

    Kazzagin "You not be getting away," Kazzagin grumbled as he advanced menacingly. "You be given a warning to surrender. I be telling you my axe be hungry." It was almost casual how easily he moved and feinted, bring the axe in an arc that the retreating orc would not anticipate. The blow...
  10. P

    The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!

    Krogran does what he does best - draw a bloody line on the ground and make it broader so that the whole pathway glistens red. Kazzagin sees him running forward like a mad dwarf, aware of the bad situations they've been in because of Krogan's wild charging. He couldn't blame the dwarf - not...
  11. P

    Rwc 2011

    Definitely a grind against Wales. Doesn't instill one with a lot of confidence, but a win is a win. Welsh must feel gutted. Pinotage
  12. P

    The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!

    Kazzagin Kazzagin wasn't the smartest cookie in the box. And from Krogan's hesitation it seemed the situation was bad and about the get a whole lot worse. He shrugged. "We be getting out there, and be planning on not falling in the water. We be helping Grim, and if Pelor be with us, we be...
  13. P

    The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!

    Kazzagin Kazzagin frowned deeply, considering the options available to them. "Well be remembered, Mardred," he spoke, before turning to Cinara. "I don't be liking splitting us up. This place be springing surprises when one not be thinking. If it not be far, we be staying together and coming...
  14. P

    The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!

    Kazzagin It was evident on Kazzagin's face just how relieved he was that they'd escaped the Trapmaster and were all still alive. He gave Krogan an encouraging nod, and then stood up. He checked his armor and shield, the edge of his axe and made sure everything was ready. "I be agreeing. The...
  15. P

    Where do you go for RPG reviews?

    OneBookShelf (RPGNow and DriveThruRPG) suit most of my review needs. ENWorld for other product reviews or just plain old Google-Fu. Pinotage