• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Payndz

  1. isle of doom cover.jpg

    isle of doom cover.jpg

  2. Payndz

    OSR You All Meet In A Tavern - a B/X 'clone designed for fast one-shot adventures!

    I've put up a new adventure, The Isle of Doom, as a free download on Drivethru. Get it here. Enough people have now asked me about a Print On Demand option for the main rulebook that I will do one; it'll just take a bit of time to sort out, as I'll have to convert all the art to CMYK with the...
  3. Payndz

    OSR You All Meet In A Tavern - a B/X 'clone designed for fast one-shot adventures!

    You All Meet In A Tavern's first expansion is available for free download on Drivethru! It's a character pack with four new classes - the Champion, Half-Genie, Berserker and Illusionist.
  4. YAMIAT illusionist spread.jpg

    YAMIAT illusionist spread.jpg

  5. YAMIAT pack 1 cover pic.jpg

    YAMIAT pack 1 cover pic.jpg

  6. Payndz

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    I've had an idea for a Space: 1999 game (or expy thereof - Moon: 2099? 😆) for a while, using the different staff divisions (sleeve colours) effectively as classes. Now that I've got my retroclone finished, maybe I should give it some more thought...
  7. Payndz

    D&D (2024) New Survey Results | Druid & Paladin | Unearthed Arcana | D&D

    The designers really hate the idea of a player using Wild Shape to wreck their plots by turning into something small like a rat or spider to infiltrate the villain's stronghold, don't they? Let the players do something cool and fun! Just have the villains follow Blofeld's example and have a cat. ;)
  8. Payndz

    D&D (2024) Brainstorm features that reduce complexity / speed up play.

    Ha! That's exactly what my aforementioned 'clone does (or rather doesn't) - all attacks are assumed to do at least 1 HP damage, so there's no need for a to-hit roll. (And that way, everyone is guaranteed to get the chance to do something every round. No more "you missed, talk again in five...
  9. Payndz

    D&D (2024) Brainstorm features that reduce complexity / speed up play.

    Cleave in my retroclone You All Meet In A Tavern is automatic for fighters; if they have left-over damage after killing an enemy, it goes to someone else, no need to roll. (The GM decides where it goes, but I suggested the strongest remaining enemy of the same type.) This obviously wouldn't...
  10. Payndz

    OSR You All Meet In A Tavern - a B/X 'clone designed for fast one-shot adventures!

    It's taken about five years, but I finally finished my long-gestating B/X retroclone You All Meet In A Tavern and put it up on Drivethru. Technically I suppose it's not really a "clone", as every aspect has been rewritten with an emphasis on speed and ease of play, and the whole game is intended...
  11. YAMIAT cover.jpg

    YAMIAT cover.jpg

  12. chara spread.jpg

    chara spread.jpg

  13. combat spread new.jpg

    combat spread new.jpg

  14. Payndz

    Favorite D&D Retroclone?

    I'll have to be cheeky and say my own retroclone, There's Always A Chance (TAAC), which takes its name from a rule in the DM's section of Moldvay Basic and applies its idea of "roll below your stat on a d20" for pretty much all task resolution. I started it out of curiosity as to what a...