• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Ornat1994

  1. Ornat1994

    D&D General Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons, collection of essays published by MIT Press

    Thanks for sharing this! I'm always on the lookout for new perspectives on Dungeons & Dragons, especially as it hits such a significant milestone. Pre-ordering the Kindle version sounds like a great idea—I might just do the same.
  2. Ornat1994

    D&D General My Journey with D&D

    I started with 3.5 myself and have dabbled a bit in 5th edition, but it's always interesting to hear about people's experiences with older editions. It seems like each edition has its own unique charm and drawbacks, and it's cool to see how your preferences and playstyle evolved over time. Do...
  3. Ornat1994

    D&D 5E [Legendary Games] Monsters & Adventures in Greek Mythology and More!

    This sounds amazing! I'm a huge fan of Greek mythology, and an adventure path inspired by those legends is right up my alley. I remember reading about the myths of Greece in high school and being captivated by the gods, heroes, and monsters. Recently, I found this great site...
  4. Ornat1994

    What Are The Current Freelance Writing Rates In The TTRPG Industry?

    It's great to see how much freelance rates have improved since 2015! I've worked with a medium-sized publisher that paid about 10 cents per word, which fits the data here. Payment timing can be a mixed bag—sometimes it’s quick, other times it takes months. To manage my workload, I’ve been using...
  5. Ornat1994

    What's the difference between AI and a random generator?

    Absolutely! AI brings random generation to a whole new level. Unlike traditional generators, AI analyzes vast datasets, learning patterns to produce more nuanced and contextually relevant content. Personally, I find AI-generated content to be more tailored and diverse, especially for tasks like...
  6. Ornat1994

    D&D 5E What Are Your Favorite Short Adventures and Collections for 5e?

    I've had a blast with Arcane Library's scenarios; they're so intricately crafted and immersive. Also, Jeff Steven's adventures never fail to keep my party on their toes with unexpected twists. If you're looking for quick but memorable sessions, these are golden picks! What I love about short...
  7. Ornat1994

    WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

    Whoa, major shake-up! Cynthia Williams leaving her role as president at Wizards of the Coast after just two years. Leadership changes always bring a mix of excitement and uncertainty.
  8. Ornat1994

    D&D General How Do You Feel About Randomness?

    Adds excitement and keeps things fresh. I'm all for rolling ability scores and random encounters. Makes the game unpredictable. But I get why some prefer more control. As a DM, I mix random elements with planned storylines to keep it fun for everyone.