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Recent content by Oren the awakener

  1. O

    MTG Convershens

    Sorry about the flaws in my last post.
  2. O

    The problem with Sinstra (Game post)

    Forgive me for not giving you enough background. Anyway, after moving from your most recent adventure, you were attacked by a huge band of goblins. They harrowed you for several weeks, tiring you out and leaving you food and supplyless. You searched for the nearest town but found only...
  3. O

    MTG Convershens

    Aven Medium size monstrous humanoid(Aven) 2d8+2(11 hp) Init: Speed: 20 ft. fly 60 ft (good) AC:15 (+2 leather,+2 dex, +1 natural)...
  4. O

    The problem with Sinstra (Game post)

    (Sorry, but I forgot to describe the landscape) The land surrounding Sinstra must have once been a beautiful forest, however now all you can see around the small town are burnt treetrunks and toughts of grass sticking definently out of the ash, however, you do see green on the horizon, past the...
  5. O

    The problem with Sinstra (Game post)

    "Yes, we did say slaves, would you rather come quietly, or do we need to break you first?" "Please do not try anything, we can call for help at any moment." the guard says all of this with calm arragonce, while drawing a small bone horn and his scimatar for empassiss. " Also," the fat, short...
  6. O

    The problem with Sinstra (Game post)

    "There is no work in Sinstra, only slaves work." the first guard says. "But we'll let you in" he says, looking at Krug's muscluar arms, "more slaves are dying everyday, so we need replacements"
  7. O

    MTG Convershens

    I'll do avens!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give me ideas as to wat HD to put avens at (I'm thinking 2 to three but well.......) I already know wat their favored class should be (cleric) and I'm pretty sure wat their stats are going to be like. Plz give me ideas as to wat to do as far as the Avens go...
  8. O

    ideas for a villain

    Cool idea, I would probaly make the villain allied with lizardfolk, and perhaps yuan-ti. Also, another idea, when the bad guy starts running the place, have the guardian die somehow, and possibly give the PC's some info. (By the way, can you tell me the bad guys race etc.)
  9. O

    The problem with Sinstra (Game post)

    You have arrived at the village of sinstra, having already passed through the yecew river. As you approach the gate, one of the guards, whom looks to be an experienced swordsman, a musclear man who could be considered handsome, atleast, that's without the malicious smirk that you see flash...
  10. O

    Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

    Ok heres some background/maps Background: The world of Isisdur is a fairly young one, still in its geological throes. Long ago it has been rumored that their was once a golden age that Isisdur experienced, before the main continent split, it was rumored that all races were friendly with one...
  11. O

    "Kobolds, we're being killed by kolbolds?" A small idea about using low CR creatures

    I personally think that many DM's decide that after 5th level or so all of the hordes of goblins, kobolds and bugbears that previously plagued the PC's suddenly take a vacation and dissapear from the face of the earth (or whereever). :) This is not only unrealistic, but truly unsatisfying to the...
  12. O

    Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

    Everyone plz post chars as soon as possible See above, tommorow I will be starting the adventure at around 4:30 .
  13. O

    Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

    K only 5 peeps No more characters will be excepted. Yes the "background equpment" thingies will be excepted. And I will be beginning the adventure soon. So plz be prepared. Once again; ALL WOTC SOURCEBOOKS R...
  14. O

    Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

    I've decided on the level requirements All characters must be 1st level
  15. O

    Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

    Sorry for the lack of details Character gen. will be the standard 4d6, only sourcebooks from WOTC will be allowed, I have no previous experience Dm'ing, and I prefer a campiagian that is a combonation between roleplaying and combat. Also, I will be previding mapping, and yes I will be commited...