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Recent content by Nullzone

  1. Nullzone

    Explore the Winding Streets & Canals of Swords of the Serpentine!

    This game was written by more than just Kevin Kulp and you would do well to fully and properly credit ALL of the designers when you do posts like this. Especially when they're literally written ON THE COVER.
  2. Nullzone

    So it's the old "Edition War" excuse to dismiss people?

    Honestly, the very notion that this thread started on is inane at best; the development of 5e has precious little to do with any objective value of good or bad in the existing edition(s) and everything to do with the basic concept of wanting to make money. WotC is a business and they are...
  3. Nullzone

    Penny Arcade Adventures

    Are you looking for their actual adventure material, or the recordings of their play? If the latter, that specific game can be found here: Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Media
  4. Nullzone

    PAX East: DM D&D for WotC, get a free badge and/or hotel room!

    70,000 is the "turnstile" attendance number. What that means is 70,000 heads went through the doors. The issue with this is that it counts the same person multiple times; 3 day badges get counted at least three times, etc. There are not nearly that many people in any one singular space there...
  5. Nullzone

    PAX East: DM D&D for WotC, get a free badge and/or hotel room!

    Nobody can really make that call for you, as we don't know your limits for sensory or social absorption, but I would say that if you're already accustomed to running 4e in general terms you'd be fine. Judging from the summary of events none of them are particularly complicated, and you'll still...
  6. Nullzone

    PAX East: DM D&D for WotC, get a free badge and/or hotel room!

    In case anyone isn't aware, Willi is part of the Baldman Games crew, and its his team that makes up a chunk of the organization for PAX East's D&D games; if you've ever been to DDXP, Origins, or the Sagamore Ballroom at Gen Con, you've seen Baldman Games at work and they run a pretty tight ship...
  7. Nullzone

    Need Help with Homebrew Final Boss

    Posting so I can remember to come back to this later. I have a module that has a "monster" that is an oracle of sorts who commands mastery of the past and the future; I'll see if I can't post some of it for adaptation. Off the top of my head though: - Epic or not, stunned at will is just going...
  8. Nullzone

    Advice wanted for DM'ing Crucible of the Gods

    Not to brag, but uh, I did. Run by Sersa himself, no less. Call it random luck if you like (we were definitely guessing in at least two places; we had narrowed it down but had no way to know for sure if we were right), and managed to get to the last room even having failed the golem...
  9. Nullzone

    Review of Innistrad Decks: Deathly Dominion & Carnival of Blood by Wizards of the Coa

    In terms of newbie-friendliness, I would have to say that Spectral Legions is a lot easier to grasp for a new player, and is still an amazingly powerful deck; there are a few cards in it that are perhaps a bit strange, but overall it's really quite an amazing piece. Carnival of Blood is great...
  10. Nullzone

    How Did Your Lair Assault 2 Go? (spoilers)

    At least in my case, I take issue with the fact that LA was advertised as being akin to the "Ultimate Delves" of years past, which were definitely brutal challenges but were also puzzles to be solved. Find the trick, answer the riddle, get the hidden macguffin, and suddenly this brutal event...
  11. Nullzone

    How Did Your Lair Assault 2 Go? (spoilers)

    Out of curiosity, is there a narrative imperative for why falling in the water = dead?
  12. Nullzone

    How Did Your Lair Assault 2 Go? (spoilers)

    At Paragon, sure. I've never seen power recovery in Heroic. Do you have anything better to do than pick apart everyone else's experiences with these things? You're free to share your own, but is it necessary to dismantle the others?
  13. Nullzone

    How Did Your Lair Assault 2 Go? (spoilers)

    And once again, in an effort to stop perceived cheese, they arbitrarily restrict player options and screw entire class makeups in the process. People using encounter long effects and turning into superman for it? CAN'T HAVE THAT, MAKE TWO ENCOUNTERS WITHOUT A SHORT REST! Never mind if that...
  14. Nullzone

    Cheap sources?

    abprices.com is a great place to shop for minis as it has a wide variety of websites and tries to find the cheapest price for a given item across all of them.
  15. Nullzone

    Tom LaPille joins D&D R&D

    There's a difference between posting an ill-informed opinion and attacking someone for having a different one :)