• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by murlynd

  1. M

    [FFG] Legendary Class Design Contest!

    Poop... I am just bummed because I cannot enter the contest, what with me being a freelancer for FFG. :( That just would not be very cool. Maybe I could use a fake name....hmm...<scratches chin> Just kidding. Oh well, at least we all still get to see what kind of legendary goodness is...
  2. M

    [PR] Gen Con EN World d20 System Awards

    Congrats...! Congratulations ENworld... Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship. This may be a stupid question, but when will a list of this years nominees be released?
  3. M

    Is Gary Gygax's Necropolis Module out yet?

    Hey there, just wanted to say thanks for the answer to my question. I look forward to seeing what Gary has cooked up for the Necropolis. Brian:p
  4. M

    Is Gary Gygax's Necropolis Module out yet?

    More demons and devils are always a good thing. Nothing else quite creates the feeling that a pit-fiend brings to the table. To see the look of horror and excitement on the faces of a group of players, that is priceless. By the way, thank you for such a quick response to my question:D Brian:p
  5. M

    (OT) Buffy Germany, Finale

    Am I the only one who wants to see the return of "Soldier-boy" Xander? Keep his personality and allow him to use the G.I. Joe skills. I just think it would give him a little more edge. Brian:p
  6. M

    Is Gary Gygax's Necropolis Module out yet?

    I was just wondering if the Necropolis accessory had been released yet?
  7. M

    Let's redo the Wizard class(Community Project)

    Hey, I am not too sure about the Wizard changes, but I have always said to each his own. As far as the Sorcerer goes, have you seen the variant in the Book of Eldritch Might 2? (Not to plug Monte) But I agree that the Sorc was a little off in my opinion and his version is pretty sweet. I...
  8. M

    Take 10 Variant

    Hey all, Here is a little variant that I have started using lately. If this already exists out there, then my apologies to the originators, but I think this is the first time it has been throw out there. While I enjoy the "take 10" rule, I like the idea of players still rolling dice and...
  9. M

    (OT) Buffy Germany, Finale

    Yeah and there is another thing, Spike. When is he going to get a little pay-off? Sure he and Buffy..yeah yeah yeah..but even that is not for the reasons he wants. If Spike is going to be bad, then let him be bad. All this time they have said, "oooh Spike killed two slayers..he is the big...
  10. M

    (OT) Buffy Germany, Finale

    I myself am a huge fan of the show, but this season has been a little slow in my opinion. Before you light the torches and grab the pitch-forks, let me explain. This has been one of those "filler" seasons, where we take care of all the lose stuff that is laying around in the series. While I...
  11. M

    New Feat: Forceful Trip

    Hey all, Here is a new feat that I have been toying around with, enjoy. Forceful Trip [General] Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike. Benefit: By using the Improved Trip feat (PHB 83), you immediately get a melee attack against a successfully tripped...
  12. M

    Deities & Demigods

    Hey guys, My big question on this book is whether or not the hero-gods are covered. Are they hero-gods? Or are quasi-deities the new term of choice for gods like Murlynd and Kelanen from Greyhawk? Brian:p
  13. M

    (MEG PR) Product Explosion

    Spontaneous product combustion. It breaks my heart every time I see it happen. Good paper and ink smeared across the walls.....~Sniff~ Tragic, just tragic Brian :)
  14. M

    FFG apparently coming out with class books....

    Hey all, Brian Patterson here and I too must chime in on the saturation of d20 stuff. We live in times where the gaming industry is booming and there is just too much to keep up with. Personally, I just take it one product at a time. In the beginning I tried to pick up a little bit of...
  15. M

    Greyhawk information?!

    Hey all, For what it is worth this website seems to have a pretty good grasp of the Greyhawk campaign setting. http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/greyhawkcampaign/Greyhawk.htm I am a long time Greyhawk fan and this site is very beginner friendly. Also, just from a personal standpoint, the idea...