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Recent content by Matthan

  1. M

    WotC Hasbro Bets Big on D&D

    I’m just jumping to the end to throw this out there (so maybe someone else already has), but recurrent revenue could simply be a more robust subscription service similar to what they attempted to 4e (which in retrospect, it looks like they were ahead of the curve). Would you be willing to pay...
  2. M


    This might be a dumb (and petty) question, but I know there is a Zeitgeist setting book in the works. Will the trade dress between this and the upcoming book be in a similar vein? Or, more simply, will they look like they go together on the shelf? Also, is there any chance on the horizon for...
  3. M

    Blog (A5E) Class Balance In A5E: How Much Damage Should A Damage Dealer Deal?

    I may be missing something. Cleric can't cast two leveled spells on the first round, can he? You would need to pick Spiritual Weapon or Spirit Guardians.
  4. M

    Level Up (A5E) Improving spells

    On the DMsguild, there is a product called the Opus of Extrinsic Substance, that does a great job of both putting the spells in alphabetical order by level, but also clearly showing which classes have each spell on their list. Everything you need is right there. Give it a look.
  5. M

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    I don't think it's coming back. I had assumed it was dead. That happens in pbp a lot. It was a good and fun game while it lasted and that is sometimes the best you can hope for.
  6. M

    Arcana of The Ancients: 5E Sci-Fantasy From Monte Cook Games Launches On KS

    I feel like there is a lot of stuff missing for this launch. I can't find a projected page count for the book for example. I understand they want to hold stretch goals close to their chest, but they aren't even mentioning the first one or two to give a sense of the scale that they're looking...
  7. M

    News Digest: White Wolf Dissolved, MORE New D&D Releases Announced, RPG Now Closing (kinda), and mor

    When I asked about that, I saw it as a key part of the reporting that was missing. After reading some of the other responses, it seems that the White Wolf community has had incidences of harassment towards people so I understand that there may be some deliberate choices made in regards to that...
  8. M

    News Digest: White Wolf Dissolved, MORE New D&D Releases Announced, RPG Now Closing (kinda), and mor

    I'm afraid that this will get lost as this thread seems to be heading for a lock soon, but can someone explain one particular thing in this White Wolf scenario. The article mentions that every credited author has publicly denied writing the offending section of the book. Who wrote it then? Is...
  9. M

    Kobold Press's Margreve Kickstarter

    I backed for the pdfs the day they went live as an option. I'm still debating about whether I should step and grab the print option alongside, but I'm in for the PDFs. I was backer 645. I'm happy they listened to their customers. I appreciate that.
  10. M

    The Briar Man Is A Monster From Kobold Press' Tales of the Old Margreve

    I filled out that survey this morning. I wish it had a little nuance to it, but at least someone is doing something to try to get some data.
  11. M

    The Briar Man Is A Monster From Kobold Press' Tales of the Old Margreve

    Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to back this one. I love Kobold's stuff and I've backed all of their prior 5e kickstarters, but the lack of a PDF option is killing this one for me. I didn't realize how important that option was for me until it wasn't there. I use physical books to...
  12. M

    Tip Line

    It certainly is there. All I can say in my defense is that I was looking for it on the front page or linked somewhere prominent. I completely missed it here.
  13. M

    Tip Line

    I have been watching Kobold Press' latest kickstarter (Tales of the Old Margreve, and it has caused more than a little bit of a stir. The publisher is presenting the Kickstarter in print and VTT format without offering PDFs as an option and is getting a lot of flack for it. That strikes me as...
  14. M

    Second Dungeons & Dragons Product for Fall 2018: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

    Not WotC, but MFoV just released a 5e conversion for magic sci-fi on their patreon. It'd be $3 to check it out. I don't want to drag the topic to far off course, but I wanted to share.
  15. M

    D&D 5E [5e] QL's Al-Qadim Game

    I’m here.