• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Malin Genie

  1. Malin Genie

    Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.

    Best. Spot. Ever.
  2. Malin Genie

    What to do with the old 3.0 books?

    I'm about to move house and going to be seriously short on shelf space. I have a reasonable collection of 3.0E material (Core Books, class books, 3.0 PsiHB, ELH) which I don't think I'm really likely to use much anymore - I play pretty much 3.5E now (without comment as to whether it was an...
  3. Malin Genie

    Is hard sci-fi really appropriate as a rpg genre?

    I think the best SF stories are told 'on the fringes,' where highly-regulated highly technological society exists but there are also regions in which a more frontier feel is retained, due to technological or resource limitations. Nonexistence of convenient FTL would almost certainly lead to...
  4. Malin Genie

    Looking for Cleric PrC - Ocean/War Oriented

    I was recently playing the cleric of an ocean deity, although in this case she had the Death and Water domains and a large Intimidate bonus.... Aeron Damphair was definitely part of the inspiration there too. I did write up a PrC suggestion, although never actually got around to proposing it to...
  5. Malin Genie

    Send Eric's Grandma a Postcard!

    I too hope she does well! (Second row from the front, far right)
  6. Malin Genie

    Wuxalted Psionics

    I feel inspired already. I think I'll allow prospective players to choose either (spontaneous) magic or psionics, and see how each of them fits (or doesn't fit) in practice. I might try posting a Story Hour if the game gets far enough in.
  7. Malin Genie

    How to Get Wuxia Flavour?

    Thanks for the input so far! Please keep it coming! Random individual points: Speed-Stick, offensive/damage-dealing spell-casting won't be as efficient against other 'Wuxia' opponents (although may still be quite good against animals, undead, demons, etc.) but I see that as a feature, not a...
  8. Malin Genie

    How to Get Wuxia Flavour?

    I've decided to start a Monk Gestalt Wuxia-style game (based on an idea I encountered here,) where every character has each level Gestalted with Monk. I've come up with some ideas to set a framework, with the aim of creating a game in the 'Chambara' spirit, with fantasy elements more from Asian...
  9. Malin Genie

    Gamer's Limited Knowledge?

    WotC products provide a common ground for people beginning to game with one another, so that each player/DM knows that what is being used in the game is (1) widely available (2) widely accepted; if not actually 'better' than the alternatives. I don't for one moment think that WotC balances or...
  10. Malin Genie

    DMs, Do You Pander To Player Skills?

    In otherwords, if players have invested ranks in a skill, particularly an 'obscure' skill, do you try to ensure they have an opportunity to use it? For example, would you go out of your way to have an item that initially appeared valueless but gave the character with +10 Appraise a chance to...
  11. Malin Genie

    What's the point of the Eldritch Knight PrC?

    Don't you need BAB +7 to qualify for Dwarven Defender?
  12. Malin Genie

    Rules Junkies: 2d10 vs d20

    Nope, not sarcastic, just somewhat stupefied... But encounter and treasure tables don't have means. All I meant by my comment was that I was surprised that people being told the mean of a distribution would then infer that results near the mean are more likely. It could be the case (2d10...
  13. Malin Genie

    Rules Junkies: 2d10 vs d20

    Seriously? Malin "this is doing nothing to reassure me" Genie
  14. Malin Genie

    Wuxia / Monk Gestalt Campaign - Anybody Tried It?

    I've seen mentioned here on these boards a couple of times the idea of a wuxia campaign, where every character has monk levels or is monk-gestalted, to help create a chambara/ Bruce Lee / Jacky Chan / Ang Lee sort of ambience. I'm thinking of running an adventure along those lines for our...
  15. Malin Genie

    Rules Junkies: 2d10 vs d20

    The mean for a discrete numerical distribution is Sum(x.p(x)) where p(x) is the probablility of result x occurring. Why would each of the p(x) being equal (i.e. 0.05) not allow for a 'meaningful' mean ?? Malin "sad for the lack of statistical education in our youth" Genie