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Recent content by Lord Shark

  1. L

    D&D General The 13th Age 2nd Edition Kickstarter Has Launched

    Based on the playtest beta, monster layout hasn't changed.
  2. L

    "I'm a [BLANK] kid!"

    I'm a Tom & Jerry, Super Friends, and Looney Tunes kid.
  3. L

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    I first quit D&D in the early 2000s after it became apparent to me that 3.5 was broken and unmanageable; there were just too many overpowered spells and it was too easy for casters to dominate the game. I was skeptical of 4E at first but when I tried it, I found it was exactly what I wanted...
  4. L

    Do highly unique characters still get a bad rep; and: how to give them room to exist?

    No weirder than the Forgotten Realms -- and a hell of a lot less weirder than places like Tekumel or Jorune, I'd say.
  5. L

    Do highly unique characters still get a bad rep; and: how to give them room to exist?

    I play 13th Age, where player characters are literally required to have One Unique Thing about them. Miraculously, the world does not collapse.
  6. L

    How happy are you with your regular ruleset?

    PF1E: Caster supremacy (especially since we're at high level at this point) and having to build martial characters to be one-trick ponies if you want to be any good at combat. Star Wars: Characters just don't feel capable enough to do the sort of daring heroics I associate with Star Wars --...
  7. L

    How happy are you with your regular ruleset?

    My regular group plays Pathfinder 1E, which sucks, and Star Wars d6, which is better but showing its age.
  8. L

    D&D General The 13th Age 2nd Edition Kickstarter Has Launched

    In the playtest, you now roll your icon dice only once per "arc" (the new term for the three- or four-encounter sequence between full heal-ups), not per session. Which is how I'd been doing it anyway. There are also a new 20-25 pages on how to use icon relationships in play, with a ton of examples.
  9. L

    Not DnD: Rob Heinsoo Talks 13th Age 2nd Edition

    Pelgrane is based in Britain, so I'd think their EU shipping rates would be more friendly than a US-based company. The fighter's (and bard's) flexible attacks are gone in the beta playtest, replaced by more straightforward abilities.
  10. L

    D&D General The 13th Age 2nd Edition Kickstarter Has Launched

    Looking through the playtest beta, they've added champion- and epic-tier talents to the paladin, so you're not stuck picking from the same little pool of talents for your paladin for your entire career (like the 5E battlemaster). Smite and Lay on Hands are now both class abilities so they don't...
  11. L

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    Wilderness of Mirrors is also unusual in that the GM is supposed to provide only the premise of the mission, and during the planning phase the players fill in the obstacles between themselves and the goal -- which is quite different from the "try to guess the DM's mind" type of traditional...
  12. L

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    A hour of valuable game time spent planning, and then suddenly rendered useless because someone biffed their Stealth roll and alerted every guard for miles around, is not fun.
  13. L

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    Yeah, that's one of the problems with banning magic item stores, especially if you also insist on handing out randomly generated treasure: the party is inevitably going to accumulate a pile of magic items they've outgrown and/or have no use for -- which contributes to magic items feeling boring...
  14. L

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    The only way this game is crunchier than D&D is if you ignore D&D's 100 pages of spells.
  15. L

    D&D 5E Guns and D&D - are we doing it wrong? An alternative

    Yeah, the "problems" with guns come up when you start treating them like Wands of Instant Death and then feel you have to balance them with long reload times, expensive ammunition, etc., until they become useless and no fun. Meanwhile, in most fantasy media that includes guns, they're just a...