• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Loonook

  1. L

    Demons and Associated Class Levels

    Glabs have the following native abilities of note: -Wish (which is granted in a monkey's paw way) -Veil (self) -Reverse Gravity -Mirror Image -PW: Stun -Summon of Glabs/Vrocks Lots of traps and trickery can be done with those skills. Gestalt the Outsider and another class, or force them into...
  2. L

    Vaping and gaming.

    If he's hotboxing at a rate that high you can fix the issue with a dehumidifier. But wow, that's some damage.
  3. L

    Review of Premium Spell Compendium v3.5 by Wizards of the Coast

    "For the first two editions I played – AD&D and 2nd Edition – sorting through new spells outside the Player’s Handbooks was such a pain: everyone coming to a game session, lugging along extra books, magazines, and photocopied pages, so that my magic-using players looked more like mad accountants...
  4. L

    Pathfinder 1E I'm in over my head... Need some help!

    Has all life stopped at this point? Because five days without a sun is approaching the end game for even most prepared life forms on most planets. Slainte, -Loonook.
  5. L

    How do you handle politics, intrigue and socializing in your TABLETOP games?

    I put down a list of all of our main NPCs, factions, nations, etc when an individual interacts with them. The spreadsheet lets me keep track of the positive and negatives each PC or their retainers make, and measure them on a scale from -100 to +100. We do city sessions with a meal, talking...
  6. L

    Reviving a dead god

    The issue is finding the ritual components to resurrect a vessel which embodies Lolth. So we need to look at Lolth's history, portfolio, and power level you want her to return at. Like calls to like in most mystic traditions and rituals in literature, so it may be fun to work based off of...
  7. L

    Fighters vs Wizards - A New (?) Look at Balance...

    Ahh, this thread again. Well, I'll throw the two cents I do on this thread when I see it to give 10 quick ways to balance a large amount of the imbalance people seem to see in D&D 3.x. It won't cover everything of course, but it will get you on the right track for the most part to prevent the...
  8. L

    Racism in your game?

    I have no issues with sexism, racism, or any force of orientation discrimination in our games. The idea that there is no human prejudice in a game where the default is 'kill everything with green, red, or purple skin' seems a bit silly. Mechanically? I like a more complex form of Outsider...
  9. L

    Nominate the third inductee into the RPG Hall of Fame!

    This man gets it! Slainte, -Loonook.
  10. L

    D&D 5E Legend Lore says 'story not rules' (3/4)

    And you act like adding subsystems is a Herculean task in this age. When we had to trudge through and toil on dice in some obscure Dragon magazine chart? Yeah, it could suck. But plenty of the randomization in generator subsystems can be handled out of hand. Flaming Sword? Again, this is...
  11. L

    D&D 5E Legend Lore says 'story not rules' (3/4)

    When, unless you were trying to do something very corner case (flinging dozens of oil flasks through some simultaneous method) you don't really deal with much of this. Now you do have the ability, as a DM or group, to make some complex rules decisions... But this just seems like arguing for...
  12. L

    D&D 5E Legend Lore says 'story not rules' (3/4)

    Yeah, there's a theory behind it. Or we could declare that oozes are immune and be done with it. Slainte, -Loonook.
  13. L

    Pathfinder 1E Condensing the skills list

    Honestly I like some of your ideas, and I'll throw out my thoughts here. Well, here's our list of skill in Pathfinder: Acrobatics Fly Ride Appraise Handle Animal Sense Motive Bluff Heal Sleight of Hand Climb Intimidate Spellcraft Craft Knowledge (all) Stealth Diplomacy Linguistics Survival...
  14. L

    Pathfinder 1E Crashed ship, need expert advice to make thi9s more enjoyable!

    My suggestion, and what helps me when I am completely lost on a topic? I just free write. Take about five minutes and just visualize what is in your head about that scene. Do you smell something? Does anything catch your eye? What sounds are around the area? Do all the senses (or at least...
  15. L

    D&D 4E Pemertonian Scene Framing and 4e DMing Restarted

    Storminator: Think of it like an option-based choice. Present an offer? Someone may take it, they may add to it, they may deny it. What if there are two, three different options? It's a good idea to be prepared for multiple possibilities at any time. A plot tree could be helpful, with a...