• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by lolsworth

  1. L

    Times we have made mistake as DMs and how we would do things differently

    Mistakes I have made as a DM: Over-prepping to the point of writing plots, instead of creating situations for the characters to resolve. It's much more fun for everyone at the table when things are open ended Being way more invested in the game and the players characters than the players are...
  2. L

    D&D General D&D "influencers" need to actively acknowledge other games.

    This may have been addressed elsewhere in the thread but I haven't read the whole thing. Do you really think their job is to teach how to d&d better? An influencer can say their goal is whatever, but like a corporation who has a mission statement to "bring buzzword to generic term", their...
  3. L

    D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

    Yes, maneuvers for martials should have been the selling point for this edition! There's so much gamespace and depth there
  4. L

    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    Is Asmodee that company I see customer service horror stories about in r/boardgames regularly?
  5. L

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Undead drained players xp mwahahahaha
  6. L

    What makes an TTRPG a "Narrative Game" (Daggerheart Discussion)

    Who could have predicted a thread about GNS would go off the rails. I say that although Daggerheart claims to be a narrative game, it doesn't have any narrative focussed mechanics. It is in fact far more of a gamey aka crunchy or tactical game
  7. L

    D&D General Tell Me About Your Favorite Use of a Dragon In D&D

    Having "cast a spell" as a legendary action is common for big spellcasters. Or they can use prep/buff or ranged spells
  8. L

    D&D General Tell Me About Your Favorite Use of a Dragon In D&D

    The monster manual starts the Dragons section off with "VARIANT: DRAGONS AS INNATE SPELLCASTERS"
  9. L

    D&D General Tell Me About Your Favorite Use of a Dragon In D&D

    I think the opposite is true, depending on the personality or type of dragon - that they would fight to the death to defend their lair. Or they're so over confident/arrogant they can't imagine being defeated, so they never consider fleeing from their own lair
  10. L

    D&D General Tell Me About Your Favorite Use of a Dragon In D&D

    I enjoyed using a young green dragon against a level 5 party. With some illusory nonsense and a trap to boot. When the party dealt with the trap the dragon fled to its lair, and the party had the chance to track it down and loot its lair (which they did successfully). Dragon lairs are good...
  11. L

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Medium encounter took two hours
  12. L

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Players gave names to Fey
  13. L

    D&D General Which D&D-related You Tube channels do you find worth watching? (+)

    The top tier stuff like Ginny Di, Sly Flourish and Dungeoncraft have already been mentioned so I'll throw out one that's little known: Knights of Last Call. They are technically Pathfinder-aligned but discuss a lot of different game systems, often comparing and contrasting to 5e (and previous...
  14. L

    How Visible To players Should The Rules Be?

    More like Player: can I stop or interrupt enemies casting spells? GM: yes actually, you just do ____ Player: cool, I do that, when do I roll?
  15. L

    D&D General Is WotC's 5E D&D easy? Trust me this isn't what you think... maybe

    Wotc adventures tend to be bonkers deadly at early levels, and laughably easy from around level 5 They also tend to be written in a way that makes it hard to progress/resolve unless PCs do what they're expected to do. Which encourages making that path easier