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Recent content by Lem23

  1. L

    WotC Older D&D Books on DMs Guild Now Have A Disclaimer

    It's the last gasp of the bigots. As with other bigotries, such as miscegenation, gay marriage, etc (in which they used similar arguments), they know they're on the way out and are trying to shout down the inevitable. They're on the losing side of history, and they know it, and they're flailing...
  2. L

    Where Do You Go Online to Waste Time about Gaming?

    Have you considered PBP gaming? That might help scratch the gaming itch, and can take as long or as little as you like.
  3. L

    D&D General Two underlying truths: D&D heritage and inclusivity

    That's what I don;t get about the whole "but we can't tell proper stories!" crowd who don't want change. At the moment, orcs are one dimensional evil beings, used to be something to fight. That's it. Change them and you have a whole load of new stories you can do with orcs. They're wanting to...
  4. L

    Branimir's Open Letter to Games Workshop

    Summary: Bigoted idiot: "We don't want black people, women, gay gaymers, trans gamers at our tables." GW: "We do want them, and we don't want you." Bigoted idiot: "Waaah! That's exclusionary!"
  5. L

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    And just like the detractors of global warming, the people arguing against the experts and actual people telling you about their lived experience, are wrong. Just because there are two sides, doesn't mean those two sides are equally legitimate.
  6. L

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    It's not, and you're pretty much proving their point.
  7. L

    D&D General Two underlying truths: D&D heritage and inclusivity

    If you want slavery to be anything else than evil, then yes, you are wrong. Emphatically so.
  8. L

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    You're being very unfair to conservatives here, lumping them in with the extreme right bigots, misogynists, racists, homo- and trans-phobes. Treating people as people is not "left wing politics," it's simple human decency. To claim that these ugly positions are "conservative" is a gross attack...
  9. L

    D&D 5E Orion Black No Longer a D&D Designer [UPDATED!]

    Purity spiral is doing the twist, but without shamelessly showing off your ankles while you do so.
  10. L

    WotC Dungeons & Dragons Fans Seek Removal of Oriental Adventures From Online Marketplace

    How about if to make the analogy closer to reality, the song that came on was racist? Lol, you beat me to it @Aldarc shakes fist impotently
  11. L

    D&D General Two underlying truths: D&D heritage and inclusivity

    Surely if a story involves child abuse, then the person doing it is a villain? In what possible world would they not be?
  12. L

    D&D 5E WotC's Jeremy Crawford Talks D&D Alignment Changes

    To continue the punk (and assorted alternative scenes), I think of it like the "apolitical" punks and skinheads who are happy to go along to see fascist and neo-nazi bands, pay them money, buy their shirts etc, because they're "apoitical" and not doing it to support the neo-nazis, just to enjoy...
  13. L

    D&D 5E WotC's Jeremy Crawford Talks D&D Alignment Changes

    I'd go with Crass and Conflict myself. :D
  14. L

    D&D 5E WotC's Jeremy Crawford Talks D&D Alignment Changes

    The status quo is also inherently political.
  15. L

    Politics And Gaming Subforum or Tag?

    Perhaps posts that don't treat other posters with respect with regards to origin, gender, sexual orientation, whether individually or as a group, and other such bigotry and safekeeping, should be labelled politics, deleted, and their posters warned?