Recent content by Larnievc

  1. Larnievc

    D&D 5E Encounter Balance holds back 5E

    That's why I just eyeball it.
  2. Larnievc

    Planescape The Great Wheel, the World Axis, and the Abyss

    I I once did a whole campaign based around Obyriths. They came from a universe before the current one and had drained that one of all life. They made the Shard as a last ditch attempt to conquer the current universe. They sent it to Tharizdun wanting him to set it in the Astral plane. But it...
  3. Larnievc

    D&D 5E At what level have you fought Strahd, and how did the encounter end?

    My table were five level nines. Strahd was packing two vampire spawn, Rahadin and a homebrew villain about the same strength as Rahadin. They had one death and one incap but they killed them all in about six rounds. They had already destroyed the heart and had the sun sword. A tyrannosaur was...
  4. Larnievc

    D&D 5E Prepping a one-shot with AI (+)

    Both. I ask the bot what the characters would experience on their way to something, entering an area or the appearance of a monster. Then a quick tidy so it’s not hallucinating and boom: I read it out.
  5. Larnievc

    D&D General The abandoned core monsters of D&D

    Haven’t thought about the Thoul in ages.
  6. Larnievc

    D&D General Lore & Legends Forgotten Realms map now available.

    Things seem in the wrong place.
  7. Larnievc

    D&D 5E [+] Rangers should have monster fighting spells equivalent to Paladin's Smite spells. Discuss!

    I’d be more inclined to give the ranger Smite Foe which is burning a spell slot to do 1d8 per slot damage like a Paladin does to keep it simple. That way if you hate rangers with spells just burn them for damage. Maybe add resistance/immunity bypass at higher levels.
  8. Larnievc

    D&D 5E How I prep monsters in 5E D&D.

    I just choose one of my monster books and go through until I find a monster about CR= 1/3 the total party level. Then I keep looking to find a bunch of mooks and reskin then to fit with the first monster. Then I take a photo so I can use my phone for quick look up. Total CR around 1/2 tpl...
  9. Larnievc

    D&D General character death?

    I dunno man. That seems like turning and RPG into a video game. I went down that path once and wouldn’t do it again. I’m probably this way because I cut my teeth in the early eighties where death lurked behind every corner; but it takes all sorts to make a world go round, I reckon.
  10. Larnievc

    D&D General character death?

    I do see where you are coming from. But let me ask you about the combat in your games. What purpose does it have?
  11. Larnievc

    D&D General character death?

    Doesn’t knowing that you are not going to die without your agreement reduce any sense of verisimilitude and achievement your guy’s adventure has? Anyone can write a story but only a game like D&D can have one spontaneously develop due to the inherent randomness of a dice bound game.
  12. Larnievc

    D&D General character death?

    It would take away from my enjoyment. Having no risk of an out of my control death for my guy would ruin the fun of death defying feats. If I want to die heroically I can do that on my own.
  13. Larnievc

    D&D General Fifty Years

    I turned 50 a few weeks ago too. I started playing at 12 with the Red Box set. I was the DM and I still am (cries in Forever DM). My earliest memory is adapting the Dragon Warriors RPG adventures for a Basic D&D game at school. I found D&D through the Fighting Fantasy books that had an advert in...