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Recent content by kaomera

  1. kaomera

    D&D 5E "5E is of no interest to me" - really? Already?

    Personally it's not so much ''already'' as ''yet''. I've seen nothing to really indicate that the next edition isn't just retreading the same ground that really didn't work for me in 3e and 4e. Of course I'm sure I'll experience the same swell of irrational enthusiasm that I have for the...
  2. kaomera

    Legends and Lore / Rule-of-Three Puzzle

    So Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article? I'll just sit here hitting F5 until Friday I guess, then.
  3. kaomera

    Dungeon Magazine (April)

    Yeah, for some reason the D&D Kids and Dark Threats are still showing up as the latest articles, and several snuck by themon the main D&D page. Wish there was a better way to keep abreast of new articles as they where released...
  4. kaomera

    Tell Me About Savage Worlds (please)...

    Fairly simple, mostly generic, if you like what it does it can end up being your go-to game for any genre; if you don't then it can get annoying when it gets brought up as a suggested game for every genre... I like it, actually (and I think it's valid to keep bringing it up as a suggestion so...
  5. kaomera

    Class Compendium Feats and Weaponmaster is out!

    Master at Arms can be more useful if you're going to be swapping weapons, if you aren't then it isn't better. And Axe Expertise will allow you to re-roll dice that fall outside of [W] (critical bonus dice and some striker features, frex.); that's corner-case, but it can be useful.
  6. kaomera

    Why CompoundWord Monsters Don't Bother Me

    "Giant"? What's that? Did you mean Bighuge?
  7. kaomera

    Math fixes; can you clarify?

    I'll admit that MM1 elites and solos have their defenses set too high. And while this could be dealt with, it tended to push players into choosing powers specifically to deal with the big bads. Add that to the fact that the higher defenses really didn't protect the elites and solos from the...
  8. kaomera

    Flaming Weapon Stealth Errata?

    Well, I meant "change" as in cold -> fire, not as in adding fire to a power that didn't already have an elemental keyword... Which I suppose isn't actually what happens anyway, since (with the old flaming sword) it would now be cold + fire? In any case, I was specifically speaking of switching...
  9. kaomera

    Math fixes; can you clarify?

    If you're playing just with the first three books you don't need to worry about the "'math' fix". They where introduced because a number of players complained that PC bonuses did not scale at exactly the same rate as monster bonuses, resulting in differences in expected results at different...
  10. kaomera

    Monster tactics 101?

    I've had similar problems. I found that (for me) the number one thing was not to sweat encounters looking "too hard" if they where a reasonable level, and N or N+1 is generally reasonable. Try using monsters mainly from MM3 or better yet the Monster Vault, not only is their damage generally...
  11. kaomera

    Diseases - where can I find them?

    Is a "flee" a generic term for a rodent nest, then, or did you mean "fleas"? (Honest question; if you did mean "flees", then I learned a new term! =] )
  12. kaomera

    Unearthed Arcana: Strange Gods (Dragon #398)

    Huh, to me at least half the advantage of these feats is getting rid of that damned healing word. If I wanted healing word, I'd play a cleric, and even when I play a cleric I don't really particularly want it. Let the controllers have healing duties, it'd give them something useful to do for a...
  13. kaomera

    Flaming Weapon Stealth Errata?

    They're mages who specialize in controlling fire... Maybe they aren't burning them so much as tying the fire they're made of in knots? (At least metaphorically speaking.) That's one of the things you have to deal with when playing a class-based system. Those classes where not designed to have a...
  14. kaomera

    How Do You Heal?

    Sorceress is very hard to hit, forcing re-rolls and/or teleporting out of the way, sometimes with an extra attack thrown in for good measure. Swordmage has ridiculous defenses and can completely negate the damage of many attacks from a marked target. Oh and he's usually invisible and running...
  15. kaomera

    Flaming Weapon Stealth Errata?

    So you're assuming that keywords are just thrown on after the design process is otherwise fully complete, and no further effort is made to balance the power? Or are you assuming that WotC does not consider balance in any way when designing powers? Either one seems pretty bizarre to me... I'm...